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  1. xptrinity

    Local news

    Here I am :D As tuonelan said, I was on vacation in Norway, went to a festival with Eury. Had great time. But otherwise I am trying to stay off the internet a bit more often ;)
  2. xptrinity

    Local news

    Initially it was intended as a trilogy. I don't know why and when Martin decided to bloat it out of proportion, but, honestly, I have stopped caring about books 6 & 7 for a while now. As far as I'm concerned, I will get some sort of closure via Game of Thrones and I probably will not even bother...
  3. xptrinity

    Local news

    This is probably not the best book to rekindle one's love for fantasy. With all due respect, and as a somewhat keen fantasy fan, I daresay books 4 and 5 are rather tedious. I pre-ordered it on Kindle the other day. Should be available on June 1. BTW, I see the second part should also be...
  4. xptrinity

    Thoughts about the music business

    I still have my cassette collection somewhere in the attic. I even still have a cassette player. But I am not buying new cassettes. It's a hipster thing now :D
  5. xptrinity

    Local news

    Won a brand new bicycle today :D
  6. xptrinity

    Amorphis Gigs

    For someone with a terrible cold who could barely speak, Tomi Joutsen put on a hell of a show tonight. It was my 14-th Amorphis show and I couldn't tell he was not in his best shape or that they've been on tour for a month already. Brilliant, as ever!
  7. xptrinity

    What are you listening to?

    I'll let Poem surprise me. Hopefully it will be a pleasant surprise ;)
  8. xptrinity

    What are you listening to?

    Textures. Because they're supporting Amorphis at the gig in Sofia on Saturday (there's some other band as well - Poem, or whatever, but I'm not bothering with them because I have a deep personal dislike for all things Greek, except the olives). So, apparently Textures use the font from "The...
  9. xptrinity

    Amorphis Gigs

    The Amo gig in Sofia on April 2 sold out today :D
  10. xptrinity

    Local news

    The strongest in what is now Bulgarian territory was 7.8 in 1904, in Krupnik, on the Struma fault. I think it is the strongest earthquake on record in Europe and has destroyed several villages and towns in the area. Sofia, which also lies on a major fault line, in the past has been hit by...
  11. xptrinity

    Local news

    Nothing cool about earthquakes, imho. We get them relatively often and it's always scary as shit when I actually feel it. And there's no getting used to them :/
  12. xptrinity

    What are you listening to?

    Looks like it won't be here in the next 8-10 days, according to the distributor. No point in ordering it from somewhere else - it's not gonna arrive faster and I am not willing to pay €10 for shipping. I'll just wait.
  13. xptrinity

    Amorphis Gigs

    Oho!!! Niiiice!!! :D BTW, just checked the setlist for this leg. No Enemy At The Gates for me apparently :(
  14. xptrinity

    What are you listening to?

    Still waiting for Skuggsjá to arrive at the local distributor. Will report on how it affects my cat later :D
  15. xptrinity

    Local news

    Right! Summer holiday in Norway is booked. I'll be spending a few nights on a sailboat in the Oslo fjord, a few nights in a tent at the Midgardsblot festival and a few more nights in a penthouse in downtown Oslo. Sounds like a plan :D
  16. xptrinity

    What are you listening to?

    Skuggsjá - A Piece of Mind and Mirror official stram on Soundcloud.
  17. xptrinity

    Other Gigs

    Here's a video from Thursday night. A once in a lifetime experience, which I plan to experience twice this year ;)
  18. xptrinity

    Other Gigs

    Wardruna played in Sofia on Thursday and I needed a few days to gather my thoughts about it. Still can't quite do so and all I'll say is that this was magical. A very special gig.
  19. xptrinity

    Local news

    I am very saddened :'( Riverside are one of my favourite bands but I'm afraid this is the end of them. Besides, being reminded of your own mortality is never pleasant. Shit, he was just three years older than me :(
  20. xptrinity

    Local news

    It's hot in here... In Pleven it was 27 degrees C today - set a new all time record for the country. In Sofia was only 22 degrees - the hottest in 125 years of meteorological history. It's gonna be even hotter tomorrow. It's ridiculous. My summer clothes are all packed away.