Search results

  1. Pharaoh's Curse

    GGD M&M + TH-U + Loki

    Guitars sound muffled, need more mids.
  2. Pharaoh's Curse

    Midi-Drum Services

    Your example links do not seem to be working, could you re-post? Thanks!
  3. Pharaoh's Curse

    Classic Metal Guitar Production

    Should add that I have spent years chasing guitar sounds only to realize that most of the sound is in a players hands, the room, the engineer, the board, the preamp, the EQ, etc...Etc....Etc... No matter how great you think you are at copying, there will always be differences. Tone is in the...
  4. Pharaoh's Curse

    Classic Metal Guitar Production

    Still sounds a bit thick to me, granted I'm on computer speakers. Here is something cool, lot's of them on You Tube.
  5. Pharaoh's Curse

    Classic Metal Guitar Production

    A huge parts of Iron Maidens tone is Iron Maiden. This might help a bit:
  6. Pharaoh's Curse

    Superior Drummer 3 Death & Darkness SDX Free Presets Download

    Where can I get these presets?
  7. Pharaoh's Curse


    Sounds great, well done. You guy's working on a new album?
  8. Pharaoh's Curse

    Honeymoon travel

    I would assume that since his post was made 10 years ago, the honeymoon is over.
  9. Pharaoh's Curse

    T-Shirt spotting

    Sometimes I watch Glenn Fricker on you tube. Today he was doing a DI box shootout. I happened to notice the guy playing the clips had a familiar shirt on.
  10. Pharaoh's Curse

    Isolate vocals

    Anvils - Bitch in the box Yeah, you might ask why in the world I would want to isolate those vocals, but its purely for analyzing purposes.
  11. Pharaoh's Curse

    Isolate vocals

    Is it possible to extract vocals from a song? If so, can anyone here do that for a price? I am looking for the vocal, not the music. Thanks
  12. Pharaoh's Curse

    How to sound this good

    Thank you everyone for your replies and thank you Zeronaught for your offer. It's taken me many years to realize that in order to sound professional, you need to be professional. No amount of plug's, recording equipment, amps, guitars, mics will ever change the fact that you are who you are...
  13. Pharaoh's Curse

    How to sound this good

    Zeronaut, do you have any similar mixes you could show me that you have done? Thanks!
  14. Pharaoh's Curse

    How to sound this good

    I don't own a Kemper, but I have a lot of the popular amp sims. I haven't access to real drums, but I have Superior 3 & Perfect drums. I have access to a bass player, but it would be DI only. I do have Trillian as well. I can hire out for programming of drums, I'm sure that would be easy to...
  15. Pharaoh's Curse

    How to sound this good

    Granted, this is Jorn Lande, surrounded by top musicians in a great studio, but is it even remotely possible to make a song sound this good in a home studio?
  16. Pharaoh's Curse

    Ultimate Metal is dying

    Forums are dead, record companies are dead, music is dead. The top 11% of the artists today get played 99% of the time and that's the crap they shove down your throats on the daily basis. Couple dudes in a recording studio writing all the material for some bubble headed pop star. Metal has...
  17. Pharaoh's Curse

    Audio interface and converters?

    RME makes great products, rock solid stability. Been using them for years.
  18. Pharaoh's Curse

    Soulspell Metal Opera (My Latest Mix)

    Matt, when you said Ripper doubles his tracks is that so the engineer can comp one good take, or are both vocal tracks used? Like true doubling?
  19. Pharaoh's Curse


    Thanks Lasse!