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  1. U

    AAAAAAH, the new album!!!! Oh, and does nemuu and frenchie still suck?

    Barnen i Bodoms kitsch-texter kontra ´N Flames ångest-texter är förvisso ett väldigt viktigt ämne och borde sättas i första rum, nu mer än nånsin med tanke på att jag redan har vunnit POD versus Mikrofon-inspelning (jag hänvisar till Musician´s Discussion-forumet; logiken i mitt argument är...
  2. U

    recording software question

    Professionals don´t use POD. You do. I win.
  3. U

    AAAAAAH, the new album!!!! Oh, and does nemuu and frenchie still suck?

    Jaja, vem bryr sig egentligen? Den viktiga frågan i denna diskussionen är varför ingen skriver på svenska.
  4. U

    recording software question

    Latency is underrated. I´ve never had any problems with it when I´ve recorded. Sure, when you play it up alongside the midi it´s a tad delayed, but that's easily fixed by just moving back the whole audiofile a notch. Works everytime. Would be worse if there was latency whilst recording to the...
  5. U

    AAAAAAH, the new album!!!! Oh, and does nemuu and frenchie still suck?

    Quit hogging my thread, bastards! Anyway, since you´re talking about C. of B., they stole a couple of riffs from Dissection on "Lil Bloodred Riding East Coast Hood" (their titles suck almost as bad as In Flames´ do) and on some other song as well, I believe (not to mention a couple of...
  6. U

    AAAAAAH, the new album!!!! Oh, and does nemuu and frenchie still suck?

    Yeah, I´m getting tired of trolling as well. Well, occasionally, it´s still fun, but only sometimes. Do you think rahvin would let us in the Dork Spankuillity-boards again now that we´re super-grown up and mature? I reeeaaally really hope so, I can´t wait for some of that high quality discussion...
  7. U

    recording software question

    Since noone´s mentioned it, I think I´ll go ahead and do it: Emagic´s Logic is the way to go. So don´t listen to anyone that says "Oh, you must go and buy Cubase SX, it is best software ever happen music". Or go with Cool Edit, whatever suits you best. Just not Cubase. Cubase is awful. Sic...
  8. U

    AAAAAAH, the new album!!!! Oh, and does nemuu and frenchie still suck?

    Consider yourselves lucky: I took time out of my jampacked schedule to come here and post my opinion on the new In Flames-album. First of all, the title. The title is extremely nifty and cleverly thought out: The Soundtrack to Your Escape. Don´t you see what they've done here? When people are...
  9. U

    When the new In Flames-album is released, which program will you use to download...

    LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL, yoo fooking soooooock, dooooood! Yoo hev tooo poot a comma bitweenxt "Mattias" end "your grammar is fucking horrible". DUMBASS!!! AHAAAAAAAHAHAHAHHA! Anyway, stop ruining this thread by publicly insulting my very true internet-friend. Fucking troll, Devy!
  10. U

    This forum still sucks.

    Nah, I was talking about nemuu, the bootleg-nazi, and ArchY, french fanboy extraordinaire.
  11. U

    This forum still sucks.

    Perpetual Motion. Ah, yes, I believe I visited this place you speak of in my internet youth. I too grow weary of this place; though highly satisfying as it may seem, being put on ignore-lists (which I am extremely hurt by, by the way) all over the place by 15-year old In Flames-fans does tend to...
  12. U

    This forum still sucks.

    Yeah, I do. I´ve got the ULTRA-RARE SOOPER-DOOPER In Flames Live in Malmoe-bootleg. Where, in addition to playing all of the songs that nemuu´s got on every single one of his mediocre bootlegs, they also play a bunch of other stuff which I can´t remember off the top of my head.
  13. U

    This forum still sucks.

    LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLROFLAMOFLAMOFLOLOLOLOOLO...LOLOLOOOOOLOLOLOL!!! Nemuu is still pissed at me because I have an In FLames-bootleg he doesn´t have! On another note, where do you hang and jive nowadays, Matt? Can you recommend some quality forums I can discuss very serious things and...
  14. U

    This forum still sucks.

    I´m glad I left.
  15. U

    All threads on this board suck.

    Aha, you´ve used my now legendary fake quote-post, santaservant. It was some good times when I first introduced this to UM. It was on the Dark Tranquillity-board, when I enjoyed a nice little banter with my dear buddy Mattias of the Night (mind you, this was before rahvin decided to not allow...
  16. U

    All threads on this board suck.

    I can´t believe it! Even though this thread was started by me, it´s actually begun sucking! This board is totally amazing.
  17. U

    New DARKANE video

    Too bad nemuu has put me on his ignore-list, as now he won´t be able to read my smashing comeback reply.
  18. U

    All threads on this board suck.

    Unfortunately for nemuu, nemuu is very stupid. He´ll still be able to see my threads.
  19. U

    All threads on this board suck.

    I am, aren´t I? Almost unbelievable how fab I am. Sometimes I can hardly believe it myself. Thanks for reminding me.