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  1. blacktape

    Albums currently kicking your ass

    I know right? This has always been my favorite album of theirs, and obviously knew it is good, but it was only recently that I realized just how good it really is. Seriously one of the best metal albums ever made IF and ONLY IF you don't compare them to other bands. Death was the perfect name...
  2. blacktape

    Albums currently kicking your ass

    ...So black.
  3. blacktape

    Albums currently kicking your ass

    Yeah I agree with you Ozzman. I respect the pace but it doesn't live up to Catch 33 or ObZen. However...
  4. blacktape

    Albums currently kicking your ass

    For the sake of it
  5. blacktape

    Brutal/Slam Death Metal

    I find it comes off as cartoony, if that makes any sense. I dig this though:
  6. blacktape

    Albums currently kicking your ass

    their album art is badass also
  7. blacktape

    Albums currently kicking your ass

    This band is consistently good and they have really evolved, not changed, since the 80's when they first started and even their album artwork is good. This album does, in fact, kick ass.
  8. blacktape

    Albums currently kicking your ass

    Their song "Symbolic" kicks so much ass. My sweet spot is Individual Thought Patterns, though. \m/ This album is one of my favorites:
  9. blacktape

    Controversial opinions on metal

    I said I listened to Hordes of Chaos and didn't pay much attention to them after that. In other words, I don't know much about Kreator because of what I heard in the work I listened to. I'm not going to listen to the entire discography of a band that I don't like just to prove a point. I...
  10. blacktape

    Controversial opinions on metal

    And TechnicalBarbarity wrote: I find this funny because I was just about to come in and say Kreator is too much like Metallica...I mean, the song "Betrayer" blatantly stole that one part from "For Whom The Bell Tolls." So whoever said that they contributed nothing, I agree with that...
  11. blacktape

    Albums currently kicking your ass

    Well yeah, of course they'd have Severed Savior as the general influence, but I heard parts that reminded me of Mental Funeral in the background. They pulled from Mental Funeral with their structures and timing moreso than their riffing and sounds they produced for it. It is subtle though, and...
  12. blacktape

    Albums currently kicking your ass

    It's good, don't get me wrong, but it tries harder than it seems to be like Mental Funeral, like trying to relive their glory days. Autopsy is so good though. \m/ listen to Poisonous for good Autopsy influences
  13. blacktape

    Albums currently kicking your ass

  14. blacktape

    Brutal/Slam Death Metal

    I see why you mentioned Defeated Sanity because their drumming is similar, however, if you listen to the Cerebral Effusion track, the drums sound...soft. I can't really describe it as, the way it is produced it sounds like you have to get really close to them to hear it. Kind of like how...
  15. blacktape

    Albums currently kicking your ass

    Cirith Ungol. That is awesome.
  16. blacktape

    Brutal/Slam Death Metal

    Ah well, I haven't looked through any thing, I'm just posting what comes to mind. I updated my post anyway to include a few more bands, sorry for any repeat bands.
  17. blacktape

    Brutal/Slam Death Metal

    I would also like to add Phalloplasty Fleshgrind Amputated Katalepsy Pus Vomit Begging For Incest Scatorgy Turbidity to this list. :) You might have heard some of their grooves before, but sometimes different bands do the same thing just better than others-it's your choice which...
  18. blacktape


    Thanks for letting us know and that looks like a friggen sweet vinyl set, however I don't like Beyond Creation much.