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  1. Olphor

    Progressive Deathmetal from Germany

    Hi folks, here our first musicvideo "Fugitive" on Youtube. Would be nice if you share with us your opinion to our music. Cheers, Olphor
  2. Olphor

    Hello to all!

    up is our new ep for a while :). But not really trashy i guess ^^
  3. Olphor

    Hello ultimate metal

    maybe this guys are new for you, one of my favorite :)
  4. Olphor

    Hello ultimate metal

    thanks man, good taste hehe :D. on facebook you can follow our movements, if you want. Who knows, maybe on day we play a gig with your band :)
  5. Olphor

    Hello ultimate metal

    thats our metal, low selfproduction but think its ok :) if you have the time, listen through it, little different songs :D
  6. Olphor

    Hello ultimate metal

    yeah good thing, sometimes you have to make compromises, i made the experience that its also good to play in a band which makes not to 100% my music (but of cause music i like). But i hope you find people with your taste :).
  7. Olphor

    Submit your song & ad for the 2016 compilation CD & event program!

    hey, hope's not too late :) we send you an mail
  8. Olphor


    love it :)
  9. Olphor


    Hey there, who had the idea with this DRACULA/METAL-GUY^^? Love it
  10. Olphor

    Bands & Artists.

    hm ok, thats no metal but maybe your type, if you still active in this forum :D
  11. Olphor

    Hello to all!

    hello :)
  12. Olphor

    New guy

    follow your dream, when it is possible with the arthritis :/. not easy. i also play guitar and have tendinitis in my arms, in my case my psyche/mind play a big role by my sickness (in my opinion). i can reduce it a bit with meditation, but thats no perfect solution.
  13. Olphor

    Hello from the other side

    facebookpage doesnt open by my try :/. the preview is a little short, like to here more of it :D
  14. Olphor


    ok, i'll throw you something :) first of course us hehe^^: here 2 of my favorite bands^^: cheers
  15. Olphor

    Hi everyone.

    heyhey, UK is a little too far for us, but you do a great job :) cheers
  16. Olphor

    hello from the middle east :)

    hello, i like the "lower" instrumental parts in your songs, some arrangements are really awsome :). hear is our stuff if you're interested
  17. Olphor

    Hello ultimate metal

    hello there, you should play in a band ;). what kind of death metal do you hear?
  18. Olphor

    First metal forum joined...

    Hello there, Never give up metalhead ;-). What kind of metal you hear?
  19. Olphor

    Hello From Canada

    Welcome, You could listen to our band (recorded in a garage but think quality is ok^^, we make progressive deathmetal. Always interested in feedback so tell us your opinion ;-). Can find us on youtube. Cheers olphor
  20. Olphor


    Heyhey, Nice job :-), i like it!