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  1. C

    Anyone know any good hardcore punk bands?

    Recommend anything!
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    Badass Rap

    Badass track with the vocalist from Soulfly doing the chorus
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    Slam Metal with trad Death Metal vocals?

    Try Big End Bolt they do what I've noticed is the new style of slam vocals brutal as hell but not as ridiculous as traditional slam
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    Brutal Slamming Death Metal Recommendations?

    Not been listening to this genre as long as say extreme death metal and need recommendations. I'm not really a fan of the belchy vocals, but love me some brutal anatomy defying growls and squeals. Something like Big End Bolt, Abominable Putridity, Gaped stuff like that, and maybe some more raw...
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    Any closet old school Country fans?

    It's funny my friends know me as a metalhead so when they hear me playing George Jones they can't believe their ears
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    Any closet old school Country fans?

    There're others!!! Haha yes, this is me. But lets get one thing clear fuck modern country, its turned into such housewife music like I heard my mom listening to sam hunt and it literally wasn't even country you could have told me it was pop and I wouldn't notice the difference
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    Brutal death metal with no lyrics about violence against women, rape, sexual deviance, and misogyny

    Exactly the point of brutal death metal is to be as offensive as possible in 3-5 minute intervals for 40- 60 minutes. Its all in good fun its pushing the bounds of free speech and people like you are why they do it people are waaaay to serious about dumb shit that doesn't even concern them
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    Brutal death metal with no lyrics about violence against women, rape, sexual deviance, and misogyny

    Maybe slamming brutal death metal isn't for you ever heard of deathcore?
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    Brutal death metal with no lyrics about violence against women, rape, sexual deviance, and misogyny

    what you describe is not a world I want to live in. But seriously it's slam if you don't like the lyrics dont look at them you can't and aren't meant to understand them if you can memorize all the lyrics to a slam album you're a better man than I because even when I memorize a song I have to...
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    Anti-Capitalist Extreme Metal

    Examples would be great your just stating things. If you want to be taken seriously you can't just say "you are having the vast majority of what you make stolen from you" and expecting it to mean something. Corrupt politics are the problem, not the idea, as with most things its a great system...
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    The Last Ten Seconds of Life amazing vocals heavy sluggish but not chuggy guitars and some of the best lyrics I've heard in the genre
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    I need a band that's heavier than Nails

    End Bolt is pretty heavy in my opinion
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    Extreme Metal?

    Abominable Putridity some quality ass slam if I ever heard it
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    Recommend anything to me?

    Oh you guys have to check out I Built the Cross
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    Recommend anything to me?

    Blood Bath and Skinless are some other good extreme death metal bands if y'all have any more let me know I love finding new good extreme death metal
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    Recommend anything to me?

    abominable putridity - the anomalies of artificial origin the album is a masterpiece of death metal would recommend to anyone into death metal and is a good starting point if you ever wanted to get into slam no ridiculous gurgling (it's an acquired taste trust me) just brutal ass vocals and...