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  1. Ol' Dirty Bastard

    If you had a time machine...

    ... and could go back and change one thing about music, what would it be? If I had a time machine, I would go back to 1981 with written sheet music and lyrics from every Metallica CD except Load, Reload and St. Anger, and have them copyrighted under my own name. Then I would travel back to...
  2. Ol' Dirty Bastard

    contraversial musical opinions

    Billy Corgan is god. Portishead is darker than most metal. Judas Priest was the first metal band. All Black Sabbath records without Dio should be disregarded. 90% of guitar solos are a waste of time. Shredders are gay as shit. Stoner doom is the stupidest genre of music. Period. Most...
  3. Ol' Dirty Bastard

    Good bands that use only 1 bass drum?

    Reek of Putrefaction from Carcass old Napalm Death Entombed post Stranger Aeons ep Sigh up until the last two
  4. Ol' Dirty Bastard

    the Sunlight Stuios tone

    I'm still obsessed with the old Sunlight guitar tone. Those buzzsaw guitars on Clandestine kill me everytime. Anyway, I started playing again recently, but the only amp I have is an old Peavey Supreme halfstack. I'm still kicking myself for not buying a blockletter 5150 head (which was on sale...
  5. Ol' Dirty Bastard

    Carcass resurrection?

    Well, Bill did play some guitars on Jeff's cuntry CD recently, and he said a few years ago that he would do a Carcass reunion if Ken was 100% able to do it. Actually, he said he would ONLY do a reunion if Ken was 100%. But maybe the idea of raising some money for his friend would "steer" him in...
  6. Ol' Dirty Bastard

    Old Man's Child

    I got into Old Man's Child when Born of the Flickering (when it was an actual band, and not Tom's little musical chairs ego-show) came out. I thought it was pretty good, but I haven't listened to it in a million years. Other than that, and a few tracks off Revelation 666, I think they're the...
  7. Ol' Dirty Bastard

    For those of you were into (real) metal back in the 90's...

    I honestly didn't have much of anything to guide me. I'm going on 29, and in the 80's I was mostly into whatever was popular, as long as it was guitar oriented. Van Halen, Whitesnake, Def Leppard, Iron Maiden, Motley Crue, Ozzy, ect. It was the later 80's where I started watching the Headbangers...
  8. Ol' Dirty Bastard

    I don't understand the new Sigh

    Alright. I've given it a few more spins, and it's grown on me. Still seems a little pedestrian by their standards. Anyway, what's this talk of sonic weapons being used on this album?
  9. Ol' Dirty Bastard

    I don't understand the new Sigh

    Like... umm.... what the fuck happened?
  10. Ol' Dirty Bastard

    top 5?

    The rest is great! I can't believe you never heard of Dokken. Classic assrock. The other bands are pop.
  11. Ol' Dirty Bastard

    top 5?

    Me new list: Dokken- Beast From the East Icon of Coil- Serenity is the Devil Death- Symbolic The Birthday Massacre- Violet Collide- Chasing the Ghost
  12. Ol' Dirty Bastard


    Right, but to leave us with this as a leadoff track.... looks like firing their manager/songwriter wasn't such a brilliant move.
  13. Ol' Dirty Bastard


    I'm rather disappointed with it. They're like, too old now or something.
  14. Ol' Dirty Bastard

    top 5?

    Here's mine: The Birthday Massacre- Nothing & Nowhere The Birthday Massacre- Violet Ulver- Themes from William Blakes's The Marriage of Heaven and Hell Darek Jarman- Blue soundtrack Slowdive- souvlaki
  15. Ol' Dirty Bastard


    Tha ODB is again contemplating self defeat. That'll show her.
  16. Ol' Dirty Bastard

    My guinea pig just died in my hands

    You're a douchebag.
  17. Ol' Dirty Bastard

    My guinea pig just died in my hands

    No no, the vets did not put Mr. Johnson to sleep. I took him there clear over a week ago when he stopped eating. They could find nothing wrong with him. I took him home and tried syringe feeding him for a while, but he stopped eat that too. He died by his own paws, the way of a true metal...
  18. Ol' Dirty Bastard

    My guinea pig just died in my hands

    Poor little bugger. He stopped eating and the vets couldn't help him. Cunts. Poor Mr. Johnson...:cry: The funeral is at noon.
  19. Ol' Dirty Bastard


    I'm not older. I'll be dead before I'm 30.
  20. Ol' Dirty Bastard


    You're old.