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  1. F

    Alexis estate

    So, did the 4 guys reunite for that? Alexi's picture with the woman seems to have different lightning/be done with a different phone or camera, but the girl is wearing the same clothes
  2. F

    Live Videos Thread

    Would be nice if we could recopile all the videos from the 2019 show, I bet a lot of people didn't post them to youtube, if only we could get and Alexi close up shot like the shows from Stockholm 2017...
  3. F

    Some re-equalized COB songs

    Well, he was able to increase dynamic range, so technically it's a remaster, maybe he used a vinyl source
  4. F

    The Next Chapter: Bodom After Midnight

    They probably feared giving a bad show/no chemistry between band members/bad faces or bad blood or anything. Most likelly the band didn't want that show to be how people remembered C.O.B because those were pretty bad times in the band. Also, a camera crew costs money, Chaos Ridden Years has an...
  5. F

    The Next Chapter: Bodom After Midnight

    Thing is, specially for festivals they play faster to fit more songs, so if they are rehearsing like that all the year they are not going to slow down for a show. If they don't play to a click track is normal to play faster due to excitement and adrenaline
  6. F

    Live Videos Thread

    Apparently a lot of workers have left/been fired from Nuclear Blast and is now run by new people, bands aren't happy with how it's working on the last few years and are leaving
  7. F

    The Next Chapter: Bodom After Midnight

    That's Tuska 2003, I see there's no yle logo, was full show projected or only the songs we already have? I've heard there were problems with keyboard on the first few songs. I guess on the Bodom Bar screening of Ruisrock it was also the incomplete version
  8. F

    Children Of Bodom - Live shows (in chronological order)

    Amazing quality! More impressive being a 1997 amateur video. I knew this should exist somewhere, there's a snippet on the chaos ridden years documentary. 3 songs were also available on youtube, but audio quality was shit
  9. F

    Listen to my album

    Not bad, but I think you would be able to get a more realistic sound by changing vst plugins. My main instrument is guitar and I also have a bass. For drums I use toontrack ezdrummer2 with the drumkit from hell expansion, even if it was released in 2007 I'm very happy with how it sounds (i add...
  10. F

    The Next Chapter: Bodom After Midnight

    Sound mix sound weird, instruments are fighting to get audible and everything sounds really centered and like artificially stereodized Hey, there was some mean energy on this one, it sounded authentic and no so much like "guys, the label says we need to make an album". IWC clearly suffered from...
  11. F

    The Next Chapter: Bodom After Midnight

    And technically Alexi didn't leave children of bodom and he's still an official member (merch, pictures...)
  12. F

    Children Of Bodom - Live shows (in chronological order)

    I remember when Lemmy died videos of the last motorhead show and the last song of the set were on youtube, but some time after they were all gone, and they are still gone. I that case I understand Lemmy looked really bad and was clearly sick, but Alexi looked and played nice during the last BAM...
  13. F

    Children Of Bodom - Live shows (in chronological order)

    Bloodrunk @ metal hammer golden gods 2008 (pro-shot) In your face was also played before bloodrunk, but I think it wasn't broadcasted
  14. F

    Live Videos Thread

    Full wacken 2011 (webcast source)
  15. F

    Live Videos Thread

    Wonder if this pro shot show exists in full, you can see they hired a camera crew and its not a festival
  16. F

    The Next Chapter: Bodom After Midnight

    It's a marketing strategy so japanese fans don't buy it outside japan because it's cheaper. I agree with bonus tracks, but usually is easier to get them pirate from torrent or other stuff (and even some bands say if you buy the album they don't have any problem if you download the bonus japanese...
  17. F

    Live Videos Thread

    Looks like there's no video of in your face @ tavastia october 25 2020? According to it was the last song of the set and the last one ever performed by alexi, but looks like there's no video of it
  18. F

    Live Videos Thread

    Do we know exactly in what version is it included? I have a dvd full download of it and it is not there
  19. F

    Sinergy removed from Spotify. Anyone still have mp3s?

    The thing is you can't listen to sinergy on spotify even if you pay for spotify, they dissappeared some years ago in most of Europe