Search results

  1. C

    Ulver t-shirts

    I realise that this is near-futile, but worth asking anyway... For quite some time now I've been trying to find one of Ulver's "Trollsk..." t-shirts from the Vargnatt/Bergtatt era. Obviously they're long out of print, but I've heard that they could still be found in various shops in Europe as...
  2. C

    Quick question

    Oooh yeah. It's retards like you who make me love Ulver even more.
  3. C

    Garm needs to join Borknagar

    I reckon he must get stagefright. :) But yeah, it's so fucking hard to imagine Arcturus without him, but as long as they've got Sverd I'm sure they won't lose their way. As for Borknagar, their s/t with Garm is my favourite... and I don't mind their new stuff so much, but I'm not keen on...
  4. C

    Australian Black Metal

    And they've been saying that for how long now...? :)
  5. C

    Greetings from India

    There's actually quite a few Indian metal bands out there... most people tend to ignore the fact there's a scene in central and eastern Asia.
  6. C

    Fuckheads on the metal scene

    Hmmm, makes me realise that Melbourne has it good. If this sort of shit ever happened to the Tote or the Arthouse I'd go bloody spastic. Heh, soon pubs might have to remove the toilets and install squat-holes like they have in Asian countries.
  7. C

    Australian Black Metal

    Watch out for a new album by The Ninth Path later in the year. :)
  8. C

    Finland VS US

    I must give immense respect to the Finnish scene, as all I've been listening to lately is stuff like Moonsorrow, Finntroll, Ensiferum, etc (the usual suspects) and I'm trying to get my hands on some Mustan Kuun Lapset. The only US band I've been enjoying listening to lately is Agalloch. :)
  9. C

    Australian Black Metal

    Is it true that Notherealm get pissed if you pronounce the name akin to "another"? :P
  10. C

    Shows in late June + early July

    Cheers heaps. :)
  11. C

    Best Australian beer

    Snakebites don't seem to be a common thing in Australian pubs, and the one time I asked for one the beer wasn't a lager and they used raspberry instead of blackcurrant.
  12. C

    Zyklon tour Australia?

    I'm sure it's happened to quite a few black metal musos though? Frost was recently denied a visa to the US, although whether that relates to a criminal record I dunno, cause I don't think he's done anything all that serious.
  13. C

    Zyklon tour Australia?

    Wouldn't Samoth have trouble getting into the country with his arson (?) conviction and all? Then again I guess they've toured elsewhere overseas...
  14. C

    Attn: Melbournians

    Or to find one who'll pay you for a night of hot granny sex, eh?
  15. C

    Clagg need a goddamn singer!

    Cheers matey...!
  16. C

    Clagg need a goddamn singer!

    Hehehe... we'll just play the songs and you goons can get onstage and rant whatever you'd like? Not too different from a usual Clagg set, really. :P
  17. C

    Shows in late June + early July

    Hey hey, there's a good chance I'll be in London (and possibly Birmingham) either late June or early July later this year (visiting from Australia) and was just wondering if anyone knows of any good metal gigs (local or international) happening around that time? Or if there's any websites I can...
  18. C

    Best Australian beer

    Still, nowhere near as bad as Toohey's New. :P
  19. C

    Opeth "Australien" Tour

    Bloody Justin Donnelly... not only did he refer to Bloodbath as a black metal band, he's also referred to both Vader and Decapitated as black metal bands in various reviews he's done. What the fuck is he doing writing about these bands if he can't even get the genre right?
  20. C

    Best Australian beer

    Not happy that I missed that Espy gig. :( Still haven't seen Portal live yet...