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  1. |ngenius

    "I have returned from a long abscence!" <----You? Post HERE!

    Nobody is returning after long absences these days or what? :P
  2. |ngenius

    "I have returned from a long abscence!" <----You? Post HERE!

    I have returned from a long absence. Well, actually I just passed by and stopped to drop a line or two, does that count as returning? EDIT: Woah!! Just realized that it's been more than a decade since I joined this board. It meant a lot to me at the time. I hope old regulars are doing fine...
  3. |ngenius

    In the spotlight (part 3): Tommy Karevik

    Hello, everyone Let me put it this way: Seventh Wonder changes from a good melodic technical metal band to become an outstanding supergroup thanks to Tommy Karevic. Now let me ellaborate on this: you can have a pretty damn good guitar player, but it is easier to replace a good guitar player...
  4. |ngenius

    The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

    Well, I come back every... 6 months, just to check and make sure that everything is in place around here. I hope that Rahvincito takes that in account and someday he will pay me back. Man, this is tough work, mind ya!! About you being yourself... well, I bet you don't quite know what that...
  5. |ngenius

    The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

    Uncha!! How's it going? I was listening to Mago de Oz (it's been a while!), and due to a random train of though, Rahvin the dwarf came to mind, so I came back to say hi. I hope he's doing fine. I see Siren, Villain and some others are still around, I hope you guys are alright too!! Well...
  6. |ngenius

    The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

    Truth to be told, I haven't had time to watch the new episodes yet... I know I'm not worthy of being the UM Bender incarnation anymore. :grin: I tend to choose outdoors activities these days, so I have little time for TV shows and stuff. @Thanny: Hey, my mexican amigo, rock on indeed!! I...
  7. |ngenius

    The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

    Hey, people!! I just happened to stumble onto the new DT album in spotify and decided to come back and drop something. I hadn't much to drop, because I'm catalan and we have our well established reputation as very tight ass people, so I just came back to say something. :P I just turned thirty...
  8. |ngenius

    The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

    For some reason, the "I accidentally broke your leg, I'm sorry" tactic used by your guys never seemed so ethically correct to me. Effective, though. On the other hand, I must admit that the end of all things sounds like a pleasant future to me, as long as my guys kick your guy's asses. Pay...
  9. |ngenius

    The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

    @Rahvin: Yeah, yeah, as a matter of fact, "my guys" and "your guys" are seeing each other this sunday, I've heard, that's why you are so cranky about this, you foresee imminent defeat. :heh: And btw, now that I realize about your avatar, I wonder what's the bearded guy doing with his hand, is...
  10. |ngenius

    Now listening

    N.P: Transatlantic - All Of The Above Even when I was listening to this Transatlantic jewel, I would like to recommend something to the fellow forumers. I strongly suggest to listen to this swedish band, Black Bonzo. They do a delicious mixture of prog rock surrounded by an atmosphere from the...
  11. |ngenius

    What will happen 2008 Dan?

    It would be great to have Nightingale playing again in Spain. I would like to comment on the show they offered in a little town near Barcelona, last year. When we knew Dan and the guys would be playing live in our country we were both amazed and afraid, because even when we'd been looking...
  12. |ngenius

    The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

    For the tone of the last few posts, I thought someone had died. Perhaps it is due to some difference when using the word in english, but never heard anyone give the condolences for a broken window, before. Anyway, if it was an ipod 30+ Gb what you lost in the incident, then it did hurt...
  13. |ngenius

    Now listening

    NP: Frost - Black Light Machine Interesting, I love the first cut of this album, and the last two ones, very much. I don't like at all the other three, way far from the sensible touch the others are tinged of. :P
  14. |ngenius


    I have had a strange experience with Toto. I've "known" them for a long time, but I found it hard to dig them, actually. The classics are good, no doubt, but I simply did not dig them so much. However, Toto have been through very different music fields over the years, as it's been said before...
  15. |ngenius

    the USA thread -

    QRV's blunt and straightforward style of writting is shocking, yet somehow funny. Maybe it is the avatar, which manages to put him out of trouble when he says something like the above. |ng.
  16. |ngenius

    ---> new to the forum? introduce yourself here <---

    Daaa... daaarek? Your ex girlfriend was not biologist, right? :goggly: (This (mostly stupid) joke will only be understood by those whose fingers and mind are too outstretched for human standards). Well, welcome anyway, man ;) |ng (blé)
  17. |ngenius

    The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

    All of those 30 being Rahvin's material? :p @Rahvin: I was talking about the impression of this board being in that idle state you talked about, probably due to lack of people spending their time here, since I don't see many active posters around. So I guess newcomers are on their way here...
  18. |ngenius

    The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

    Well, old regulars move on, and as long as the place is fertile, new seeds will grow again. I'm sure new regulars will come and give this forum back to life, not remembering the past if it wasn't for the little man on the corner who watches it all in an obnoxious way, screaming at the youngsters...
  19. |ngenius


  20. |ngenius

    Intellectual property

    I found it funny, I pictured the monkey escorted by the genius. :rolleyes: Yeap, in my heart, I'm nothing but a little child. (My mind is too naughty for that) As a matter of fact, I did not intend to use Aladdin or Super Mario for my purposes, it would be in the lines of using new characters...