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  1. P

    Mikaels PRS pick ups

    i dont know what the hell u chiefs are talking about...all i want to know is what pick ups mikael has been using in the past 3 is this thread killing this forum u moronic child?
  2. P

    Mikaels PRS pick ups

    Hello, just wondering what Mikael's chosen pick ups are on his current PRS guitar... to be more specific...does anyone know what pick ups were used on BWP, Deliverance and Damnation... oh ye...anyone know what he used to record the songs on BWP in his home...some 8 track device?...i...
  3. P

    Your first Katatonia song ever heard (& when)

    sitting in a car after having done half a g with my good friend...i was philosophizing as usual...then my friend left the car to go talk to someone down the on my own in the messy junkies car....then i started getting sketchy...i felt my sanity the background i suddenly...
  4. P

    production info

    mhmm so thats your method...and would you say its the best method to use to create songs of the same quality as Katatonia and Opeth etc ?.... i still reckon that almost all of the legendary musicians knew their instruments so well and had sufficient knowledge of music theory in order to write...
  5. P

    production info

    i appreciate your view...but i think the question still remains unanswered do we know wether all our favourite musicians are sitting down with pen and paper and a book on music theory or not?... lets take a painter like dali for instance...did he first imagine a picture...then...
  6. P

    production info

    haha the twiddle thing...nicely put mate...there will probably be a new number 1 hit in UK now called "the twiddle thing"....bunch of fannies twiddling their fingers...called "the twiddling benny boys".... anyway...back to the initial topic of production... 1. do u reckon that while you...
  7. P

    production info

    what is still unknown to me is what studio gear was used whilst in the studio...because the gt-3 and all these individual pedals all sound great for us flids at home...but what happens when u compare the best boss delay pedal to the best professional audio studio delays...u know what im talking...
  8. P

    Happy Birthday Blakkheim!!!

    jean jean made a machine and jo jo made it go but anders anders blew a fart and blew the whole dame thing apart !!!! happy chechnikan birthdays from the land of pomegranates and poets....
  9. P

    production info

    Shit man...i wasnt expecting to get my info straight from the horses mouth....thank you so much Anders for satisfying my curiousity... if only the masses knew of the talent which resides in Katatonia...however i do really enojy the fact that its almost a masonic secret hehehe only accessible...
  10. P

    production info

    someone MUST know something about katatonias production methods or at least what equipment e.g fx processors etc they use to achieve their sound... thanks for ur time... u cum drinking bum offence...
  11. P

    production info

    hello, anyone know any info about the details on the production of Brave Murder Day and For Funerals To Cum? i mainly want to know about the guitar effects...what pedals/racks/processors etc were used to get those hypnotic and dreamlike atmospherics on those two albums.. if people cant...
  12. P

    how Ron creates his soundscapes

    Hello fellow disciples of the spastic ones... i am pretty wank on the guitar at the dying to be able to get those definitive clean metal sounds that our friend Ron manages to produce... im looking to achieve the sounds in tunes like AT THE 7-11 for example... so can anyone tell me...
  13. P

    effects used and their settings

    good day to you and hoping someone can share with me any knowledge of the effects and their settings used in Under the Weeping Moon at 7 mins into the song. also the software and hardware used by steve wilson in producing the albums, Blackwater Park + Deliverance + Damnation. oh ye...
  14. P

    TRUE or FALSE ?

    look u cucking funts u better answer my question or i'll cry and shit myself then there will be a smell and i will have to start voodoo lessons and fuck u all up.....please hehe
  15. P

    TRUE or FALSE ?

    is it true that Mikael's songwriting approach is to fuck about on the piano and discover fucked up chords and chord sequences and then he plays em on the guitar..... if this is true....what genre of piano playing would his fit into....u know what i mean....theres so many different...
  16. P

    Opeths chemical influences?

    the man himself has admitted to using riffs from 70´s prog rock and morbid angel and death for rhythm section. rhythym section (drums and bass) during soft vocals are 70´s prog rock and during dark evil vocals it is sick double bass drumming like morbid angel etc. however, there are also...
  17. P

    70´s tribute compilation

    when is mikael and steve wilson´s tribute song to linda perhacs gonna be available and what is the album called?
  18. P

    Opeths chemical influences?

    Easy people... since all thought and physical behaviour is dependant and the result of biochemical processes in our bodies, i wonder if mikael´s songwriting achievements are due to the following: depression (im sure hes been depressed before who the fuck hasnt) dope...
  19. P


    what have strung out got to do with Mefisto the swedish black metal group from 1986....and i meant opiate as in opium
  20. P


    huh?....what do u mean strung out....fellow opiate indulger :)