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  1. Theredintheskyisours

    Soylent Green

    I was listening to the Wumpscut song "Soylent Green" and I came to wondering, what the hell does the word mean? I know it was a movie with Buttfucker Heston in it, but I forgot the actual meaning. I hate Melanie.
  2. Theredintheskyisours

    UM Rome: Total War Clan members list.

    Sure. There's only one problem...we haven't had one clan match yet! I am still willing to organize matches, but I haven't played MP on RTW in a long time.
  3. Theredintheskyisours

    RTW: Barbarian Invasion expansion pack discussion

    Unfortunately, I don't think that much is going to change in that aspect. CA said that they will add in new features (hence the expansion pack) and not revamp RTW completly. Things need to be changed, but since I am a big fan of the Dark Age/Fall of Rome period in History, I will buy it. I'd buy...
  4. Theredintheskyisours

    RTW: Barbarian Invasion expansion pack discussion

    I don't know if you guys already know this, but a Barbarian Invasion expansion pack for Rome: Total War is on the way. Here are some of the new features: Barbarian Hordes - A barbarian faction can flee en masse from an attacker and take its entire people in search of a new homeland. When a...
  5. Theredintheskyisours

    Saving Replays for historical battles

    I imagine so. I don't have the answer that you are looking for, but if you go to you'll get the answer no doubt about it. Those guys know every solution to every problem.
  6. Theredintheskyisours

    Siren's DAY (aka Happy bday)

    Hope you had a great birthday!
  7. Theredintheskyisours

    Weird stories...

    |ngenius' English is way better than mine, and I have been living in America my whole life! We are the entity of a hands creation. The soul purpose unknown, but all we know is life, not death. Eventually one may soar above the rest and discover what is this entity.
  8. Theredintheskyisours


    Nice to see things starting to pick up even further. Good luck with all the recordings! I have been waiting for quite some time for a new Asgaroth album to come out.
  9. Theredintheskyisours

    what will you do at New Year's Eve?

    I'll be doing exactly what I did last year. Nothing. The best would be getting high or mildly drunk, but that ain't going to happen.
  10. Theredintheskyisours

    Welcome Total War fans!

    Consider yourself a new member. We just need to get this clan rolling more. Clan matches would be nice!:tickled:
  11. Theredintheskyisours

    Ok so now what?

    First off, life sucks. Working one day a week is tough on the bones man. I think I am turning into an old man by doing this. It's the hardest job in the world. I take at least one call per day. It hurts my wrist to pick up the phone. God, I need a vacation. Secondly, could you refresh...
  12. Theredintheskyisours

    Ok so now what?

    Chris must be paying people to come here.:p
  13. Theredintheskyisours

    Ok so now what?

    Don't listen to him. Our American dollar sucks right now, so I need the money. Yeah, that's my excuse. Pathetic, but Hell, I tried. Oh yeah it's Christmas too. HOLY CRAP IT'S CHRISTMAS AGAIN!? I remember last year we were talking about Melancholia's toe socks that she got for...
  14. Theredintheskyisours

    Ok so now what?

    Well, if it doesn't reach my house, send me a further $25. God, some people. Right |ngy?
  15. Theredintheskyisours

    Ok so now what?

    Send me $25 in the mail, and I'll think about it.
  16. Theredintheskyisours

    Music Similar to Children of Bodom?

    Finntroll and Windir? Naw.
  17. Theredintheskyisours

    Shooting at Damageplan show, two band members dead

    I just want to say that Dimebag helped define who I am today. Pantera was my influence growing up. Noone could ever party as hard as them, and I always wanted to have as much fun as they were having. I first listened to Pantera back around 1995, when I was 8 years old. This is devastating to...
  18. Theredintheskyisours

    Ok so now what?

    I'll give you a dollar.
  19. Theredintheskyisours

    Ok so now what?

    Will you marry me? Oh yeah, noone told Wolfman Von Jones what to do. So here's my answer: Do the dishes.
  20. Theredintheskyisours

    U.S. tour 2005

    Dang no Detroit!? Well, looks like I'll take the trip to either Columbus or Chicago.