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    Metal Culture

    Jon Schaffer Did Nothing Wrong! Dee Snider is a Dehydrated Sack Razor Fist gets it right. Metal culture should be strongly and outspokenly opposed to corrupt and tyrannical governments. Century Media and all these pussy butt posers who abandoned Schaffer just because he pointed inside the...

    Capitalism vs Communism

    I find it hard to fathom how metal heads can follow something as corrupt as Socialism. Metal music has always been outspoken against corrupt and tyrannical governments. But today, the number of posers have more than doubled! The result is false metal. In the metal world there is no greater sin...

    Why people find philosophers annoying

    Your reply has nothing to do with my reply. In fact, I specialize in geoscience. So answering Flood questions in geology is easy for me. I don't waste my time in philosophy which is why I refuse to get caught up in debates about Deep Space Fantasia. I deal strictly with Theology, History and...


    You have to click Watch on Youtube in order to see this video.


    What is a mental sickness is when you gay freaks start calling us straight people mentally sick just because we are not gay. You gays claim you are born that way. With that same claim that you make you should also believe that there are people not born gay. Thus those who are not born gay will...


    Sorry dude, I'm a Christian and dicks are for chicks. Only leftists are into homo butt sex.


    Opportunity? There is nothing positive I can learn from homosexuality. I am not open to that. I've already seen enough of it and I'm not impressed.


    Translations have always been updated due to the constant changes in language throughout the centuries. For example, if you read the old English Bibles you may not be able to read them well due to the old spellings, grammar, and word selections. Even the KJV uses words that mean entirely...

    Capitalism vs Communism

    I think we're seeing the results of Socialism right now in America. These results will continue to come in and it's looking really bad for Socialism. When Trump was President his goal was to get Americans back to work and it didn't matter who you were or what walk of life you came from--he...

    Why people find philosophers annoying

    I have dealt in many fields of academia as an Independent Research Scientist. During my early years, 19 years ago, I started out learning philosophy. However, in recent years I think I've developed a true hatred of philosophy. Let me explain. I accept the 3 laws of logic and learning what real...


    Since Jesus is the Messiah there is no need to live by the Old Covenant. Christians live by the New Covenant and homosexuality is still a sin, that, if not repented, will lead to eternal damnation.

    How Do You Feel About Veganism?

    Its a lifestyle that only a good solid economy can afford. One can live well as a vegan so long as the economy allows it. However, in a survival situation the vegan diet will lead to death. Its not possible to survive on a vegan diet in the wild where protein is better secured in meat.

    Philosophy and Anti Semitism

    I'm not a Jew. I know many people who are not Jews. Does this mean because we're not Jews that we kill them? No. I have my disagreements with Judaism but that doesn't mean I want to kill them over that disagreement. Jesus Himself was a Jew. How condemned am I in the eyes of God for killing Jews...

    Philosophy and Anti Semitism

    Could this be why Muslims hate Jews? Sahih Muslim Vol.7, Book 52, Hadith [7339] 82 - (2922) "It was narrated that Abu Hurairah said: "The Messenger of Allah said: "The Hour will not begin until the Muslims fight the Jews, and the Muslims will kill them, until a Jew hides behind a rock or a...

    Philosophy and Anti Semitism

    Is this a punk forum or a metal forum? Maybe this forum is for Jeremy Corbyn fans? Maybe some of you hate Jews because you hate God. And since the Jews preserved the Bible, well, in your small minds you think that if you kill the Jews you destroy the Bible. But how can you hate a God you claim...

    Philosophy and Anti Semitism

    Being a Zionist is a moral obligation. If you are a person of good character and moral standing then you'll become a Zionist. But antisemitism and anti-zionism is nothing but a neo-nazi attempt to revisit the Holocaust.

    Philosophy and Anti Semitism

    I read each post here and never read so much racist bigotry in my life! This topic is about hating Jews, hating Israel. I am a Nationalist...a hard core Trump voting, gun toting, Bible thumping Nationalist. And...I'm white! So that makes me a white Nationalist! Yet I, and every other Trump...

    Hard Proof Dinosaurs & Humans Coexisted

    Finally. Someone on this forum who reasons intelligently and understands something about ancient history. What you said is true.

    Hard Proof Dinosaurs & Humans Coexisted

    I'd ask you to quote that from the Vedas but I doubt you have read it. But atheists do believe the Vedas because that's where they got the ape to man idea from. Atheists and Hindus alike worship Hanuman the flying monkey god.

    Hard Proof Dinosaurs & Humans Coexisted

    The animal on the pillar engraving is indeed either a horse or an elephant. According to atheists, dinos weren't discovered until the 19th century. There is no historical records of Paleontology in the ancient world. The cave painting in Peru proves that 9 warriors had hunted a Sauropod.