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  1. kajsborv

    best cover songs...

    Satyricon - Orgasmatron Embraced - Big in japan Naglfar - The Evil That Men Do Three enjoyable covers.
  2. kajsborv


    Don't know if you can call it black metal, black rock mabye? But i sure as hell like it.
  3. kajsborv

    Favourite melodic death metal?

    At the gates, Eternal lies and Nightrage are my favourites. If we talk blippblopped melodeath then Eternal oath, Dark tranquillity and some of In flames albums does the trick.
  4. kajsborv

    Best Song From 'the Arrival'

    New world right now. Anyone other than me who's going to se them at 2000 decibel?
  5. kajsborv

    Support for the swedish gigs this spring?

    Does anyone know which band/bands who will be supporting IF?
  6. kajsborv

    Who's the new drummer in 'in flames'?

    Daniel Svensson? He has been around since the colony album. Before that he played in Sacrilege, a band not to unsimilar to early In flames.
  7. kajsborv

    Reccomend me more good Death Metal

    The Crowns more deathsounding songs, like the CIT album.
  8. kajsborv

    What video am I thinking of?

    The video you are refering to is Necrophagia - Bloodfreak. One of my favourites.
  9. kajsborv

    New gig 23/1-04 in Gävle

    I had about 5 to many beers mabye. Remember having a hard time standing up, and that i liked the gig, but i can't really say i remember anything of the music. Well fuck it, metal it is!
  10. kajsborv

    New gig 23/1-04 in Gävle

    I'll be there.
  11. kajsborv

    New In Flames Album Title: Soundtrack To Your Escape.....Track Listing & Update...

    Yeah, really gay. Especially: F(r)iend
  12. kajsborv

    ATG members

    He was.
  13. kajsborv

    Peter's back!

    That text was stated on blabbermouth ( It's fucking great!
  14. kajsborv

    When and how did you got into THE HAUNTED

    I checked them out because of the Björlers earlier involvement in ATG and, if possible, I was even more blown away by their awsomeness then when i first listened to ATG.
  15. kajsborv

    Favourite At The Gates release?

    Slaughter of the soul. No doubt.
  16. kajsborv

    The NOW Thread (eating, drinking, wearing, feeling, etc..)

    ND: very cheap lemon jucie
  17. kajsborv

    Most dissapointing cd of 2002

    In Flames - Reroute To Remain They are still great live though, playing songs like 'Behins Space' and 'Clad In Shadows', and Anders actually sounds more enthusiastic when preforming them. And what does that mean? My conclusion is that he realises that their older material is much better and...
  18. kajsborv

    Nightrage - Sweet Vengeance

    Killer album. To bad these 'super-groups' don't tour that often.
  19. kajsborv

    So how was Parkrock??

    It's on its way, check out from time to time.