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  1. Steven

    Orphaned Land departs with drummer Avi Diamond

    wow, this thread scared me for a moment...because on the front page all you could see was "Orphaned Land departs with..." and I was worried about who'd left. Anyway, both Avi and Sami were fantastic drummers, and the new lad seems that way too. Maybe a little more rock and roll than those guys!
  2. Steven

    Are you afraid of growing old?

    Why do our bodies break down and die when in our souls we are always 20 years old? I am 32 but I swear to you that I was a child only yesterday. In 8 years I will be 40? How did this come to be? Maybe you still feel safe from age and time if you're 18 or 23, but soon... you will feel as I do...
  3. Steven


    They really should throw in the towel. Of course it's up to them how long they continue--they can still be playing in 20 years, if they want... they question is, will anyone care? I felt that the reunion with Joey was a step backwards... sure, they were never going to sell as many records...
  4. Steven

    Corey Fucking Taylor

    I guess the guy really must be an Anthrax fan. After all, whether you like Slipknot and Stone Sour or not, they've made Corey Taylor a millionaire, but the members of Anthrax won't even be thousandaires from their record sales these days. The Anthrax guys surely hope that the sticker on the...
  5. Steven

    The Mossad--better than the CIA and MI-6

    At least you concede that they're good at what they do. Most Arabic people, for example, will tell you with a straight face that the Mossad is a useless, weak, all-round shit organization... and that their intelligence service is so much better! Oh yes, we all live in daily fear of Qatar's...
  6. Steven

    The Mossad--better than the CIA and MI-6

    Oh no, I wasn't being facetious. And liberalism... nahh. I admire some aspects of the Jeffersonian school of (true) liberalism, but as the term 'liberal' is generally used today, it doesn't really apply or appeal to me. I greatly respect and admire the Mossad; it's often been said that many of...
  7. Steven

    The Mossad--better than the CIA and MI-6

    The Mossad are the premiere secret service in the world. They know more than both the CIA and Britain's MI-6, and are without parallel regarding the gathering of information. Mossad assassins are superb--they strike fear into the heart of every Muslim terrorist big-wig; they never know when the...
  8. Steven

    "Bruce Dickinson Tried to Ruin Ozzfest.."

    The thing that really gets to me about this Bruce-Sharon debacle... and forgive me for flogging a dead horse here... is that she overlooked one rather important fact: both she and Ozzy are English! Granted, they live in L.A. now, but that's no reason to play the 'I'm a Big, Bad American With A...
  9. Steven

    If that wasn't Britt Eklund's arse in the Wicker Man...

    Britt can pull my pint any day
  10. Steven

    Why are albums always released in Europe before the U.S.?

    Is it simply because metal is more popular in Europe (parts of it, anyway) and so is accorded 'favored status' by labels? Even American bands signed to American labels like Relapse or Metal Blade seem to release albums in Europe first. Odd, no? :err: Lee, with your firsthand experience of...
  11. Steven

    To-Mera website now up

    Oops, to answer my own question I noticed on the To-Mera site that you played for ENT. WOW! :rock: That's even cooler than Rich Walker having played for Sore Throat!
  12. Steven

    To-Mera website now up

    Is To-Mera's Akos a former member of Without Face, or am I suffering from a beer-deprival-and-48-hour-Hawkwind-Marathon-induced midday memory hallucination? On that note, Lee, didn't you play bass in a punk band years ago? Will you release To-Mera's records on Elitist, or look elsewhere?
  13. Steven


    Yossi, when you return to the tour will Tal finish the tour too? That way you can have a three-guitar attack like Iron Maiden! :rock:
  14. Steven

    Orphaned Land Berlin 2nd of May pics

    Wow! :OMG: Geri is such a hot babe! :grin:
  15. Steven

    A few more CDs on eBay

    Regarding Lee's auctions: who the hell is paying $52 (so far) for a used Sadus cd? :err: Oi, fella! I've got the first S-Club 7 record, slightly scratched, if you're interested. Bids start at $30.
  16. Steven

    American groups/artists versus British groups/artists

    Acrimony, Budgie, and Black Eye Riot are Welsh.
  17. Steven

    If Americans are as stupid as you say...

    ... how, then, are they the wealthiest and most powerful people on the face of the earth? Provide me with a valid answer to this question--not simply some snide remark. Let's examine things on a smaller level, for a moment: take, for example, your local community. Is it the unintelligent who...
  18. Steven

    Why we shouldn't vote for G.W.

    Dr. Demented, I agree with you, if getting hammered is the plan, skip the beer and head straight for the hard shit. I don't drink beer solely for the blitz, though- more for the taste. If I get a buzz off of it, that's a bonus. The reason I brought up European beers is this-- if you are...
  19. Steven

    Why we shouldn't vote for G.W.

    Right, first off with the beer. It's funny that Heineken is the only European beer you know about, apparently. Heineken is piss. It is to European beer what Winger is to metal. ACTUAL European beer tastes better and is stronger than the American stuff-- I thought such macho guys as you would...
  20. Steven

    Why we shouldn't vote for G.W.

    I would have thought this one was obvious to people who post on a heavy metal forum, but apparently not. Do you really think that a far right nut Jesus freak with open ties to religious right fuckwits looks favorably on a band like SOD or its followers? Hmm. Now, I would NEVER think that far...