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  1. M

    New Skyfire EP - Studio update

    1 Conjuring the Thoughts M.Hanner 2 Effusion of Strength A.Edlund 3 Shivering Shade M.Hanner 4 Cursed by Belief M.Hanner 5 Awake A.Edlund 6 Void of Hope M.Hanner/A.Edlund 7 Dead Man's Race M.Hanner 8 Shadow...
  2. M

    New Skyfire EP - Studio update

    Hey guys, Martin from Skyfire here with an announcement. As you may have noticed, we are delayed (as usual!) The EP hasn’t been released yet, but there is a good explanation for this. Skyfire is unsigned at the moment so we have decided to send out a promo to some selected record labels in...
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    New Skyfire EP - Studio update

    Not really sure. We have alot of songs written so now we have to decide which ones to use for the EP, then record everything properly. So Jocke hasnt begun to write the lyrics yet. I think there will be 5 songs on the EP and it will be around 25-30 minutes long.
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    New Skyfire EP - Studio update

    Hello guys :dopey: just thought I would post some links with some new footage from our recording session of the new EP . These clips are mostly focusing on the solos, but I will post more clips later of some other stuff as well. As always we drank too much so you´ll have to deal with the...
  5. M

    skyfire live ???

    hey guys, here are some clips from the gig in London (Underworld)
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    Skyfire merch

    hello everyone, for those of you who are interested in Skyfire merch, its available at :
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    New vocalist announced + new album update

    \m/ expect a major announcement soon \m/
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    New vocalist announced + new album update

    Henrik Wenngren Leaves Skyfire, New Lineup Announced! We’ve gotten many e-mails and questions over the last few years regarding the status of Skyfire and now it’s time to give you an official update. As some of you may know, our brother Henrik, who has been with us for all 3 albums and...
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    Henrik leaves Skyfire

  10. M

    Henrik leaves Skyfire

    Hello everyone! Martin from Skyfire writing. Expect and update regarding this matter soon!
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    Comeback by our beloved CFL

    Gothenburg, Stockholm and Lund, all have big universities and the teachers in Lund (for all I know) are very good. It doesnt have to cost anything ( at least not worth mentioning). But if you have to move and dont have time or like me, dont want to have a job beside your studies, you have the...
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    The new album

    I dont know anymore. When you are in the recording process the songs still feel new and fresh, but now I´m fed up. Have listened too much to make an objective and proper valuation of them. But the solos are a new element, thats for sure and of what can remember, guest vocals by Fred Durst...
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    Comeback by our beloved CFL

    you´re right gadlor. but i´ll give you a feedback on what we have experienced here after we are done
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    Comeback by our beloved CFL

    We have alot of different things; database security, c++, asp, www and database communication so I guess we dont focus on one area. We also take classes in Economics and Media and communication, so this "package" is intended to give the students a wide area of work oppurtunities. At the same...
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    Comeback by our beloved CFL

    Me and Grefven, we both read some kind of Computer and system engineering. Dont know if thats the exact translation though. Anyhow it sucks most of the time, but hopefully, we soon got our canidate/master.
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    Comeback by our beloved CFL

    It wasnt recorded. The skyfire recordings took ALOT of time so I have to say that we misjudged our time schedule bigtime. Next opportunity to record the CFL promo wont be until spring 2006. Andreas is working, I have alot going on in school and the same goes for Tobias. The good news, I guess...
  17. M

    Happy Birthday MC!

    I´ll write that down on my to do list! Right now I have to pass my exams and luckily I dont need to know any german to that =)
  18. M

    Happy Birthday MC!

    long ago...don´t have any friends that speak german so my knowledge about the german language slowly falls apart. kinda sad really :/