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  1. Susie

    Distant Satellites

    Been A while since I have been on here :-) Hope everyones well Susie xx
  2. Susie

    Say something nice about the previous person game

    The avatar looks very nice:)
  3. Susie


    Me too :cry:
  4. Susie

    baby born with 4 legs

    God i bet he will be good at cross country.
  5. Susie

    I'm back you wipes.

    Jesus i wanna line those berds up an sweep a blade right across all those meat danglers
  6. Susie

    Going to Brazil?

    we could do with a few bizzys like that around here hahaha
  7. Susie

    need help

    hahaha you have found a new site havent you?
  8. Susie

    I'm back you wipes.

    Jesus you've had fun tonight, though even being a berd i am still tempted to get a pair of nail scissors and snip off her snippetts.
  9. Susie

    message for Mick Moss

    hahaha nice pics zupi : D
  10. Susie

    message for Mick Moss

    You have an escuse your french i'm english and dont understand it haha
  11. Susie

    need help

    neither do i so dont worry haha
  12. Susie

    message for Mick Moss

    What the bloody hell are petunia flaps hahahaha?
  13. Susie

    I'm back you wipes.

    haha i was there the other week with mick an luke, an one of them had a pink vest top on looked luuuvvllyy.
  14. Susie

    Guess who's moving the fuck out

    Go ed thats me girl, have fun but be careful ok :) and goodluck with all yeh arty stuff :grin:
  15. Susie

    I'm back you wipes.

    Alright clare i was close to yeh home town the other day, decided to go to newbrighton i had'nt been there since my 18th birthday and i was proper hungover :ill:but the kids still go crabbin there, anyway how are you me dear?
  16. Susie


    Tell me about it, i need him to put it on cos i love it, he looks like a proper classy guy in that vid haha.
  17. Susie


    HAHHAHHHAHAA I forgot what my avatar was and when i posted me last post, i seen how fookin cool me avvy is :tickled:
  18. Susie

    escape the day - True Norwegian Shoegazer Metal

    Seems nice and mellow, is all your music like this? or do you do some brain tumor rock too?
  19. Susie

    just stumbled upon antimatter

    Try 'lights out' you should like that one too :)
  20. Susie


    Yeh sure heres 2 for you. :Spin: