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  1. a fine day to die

    Heretic is a very... interesting... cd

    yeah, I agree with Ageless. It's a bit of a let-down album. I figured it probably would be. MA just seem to keep going downhill which most bands do over time. The music is on the FFTTF experimental level, but some of it seems washed out like it's been done already. There's some great guitar...
  2. a fine day to die

    what happened to earache?

    I think the scene was a bit stronger and more authentic 10 years ago, but there's still alot of good bands out there today. Earache can't control how the music changes and how people's tastes change, but they have the opportunity to give people good music they wouldn't hear anywhere else.
  3. a fine day to die

    Favorite Morbid Angel cover art

    yeah, Blessed Are the Sick wins that one for me. That painting does indeed fit the music and give it a certain feel. I've noticed alot of death metal bands and other metal bands in general have classic paintings like that for the covers. I like it though. MA's worst cover is by far...
  4. a fine day to die

    We need a bandname !

    How about "The Middle-Aged Sailors"? or "Flamingly Adhesive Labiatic Mongoloids"? fuck, wait, no I'm keeping those. you can't have them
  5. a fine day to die

    favourite Deicide Album

    I was always big on Once Upon The Cross. I just loved the production and the bassiness, along with Glen's vocals on that album.
  6. a fine day to die

    anyone had sex while listening to death metal?

    Hey, yeah seriously, this is a legit and sincere topic at hand. I don't think anyone would lie about this stuff. Nothing like tea-baggin' a few folks with a good hearty death metal soundtrack in the background. Makes for fun, woo diggity 6.709er
  7. a fine day to die

    anyone had sex while listening to death metal?

    I like wearing wolf fur coats and helmets with horns on them while fucking to Enslaved and throwing back some ale.
  8. a fine day to die

    I can't believe I got Heretic in the mail already!

    haha yeah, no shit. I had three copies of Blesses Are the Sick once and one I had gotten off of Ebay had the SLEEP art on it. I was like wtf man, I got ripped. So I gave it to a friend or something. That was before I knew about any of it really. I guess I should probably kill him and steal...
  9. a fine day to die

    TOP 5 MA songs

    hmmm, pretty hard to weed out my top 5 favourites. Angel of Disease God of Emptiness Evil Spells Sworn to the Black Invocation of the Continual One I like Inquisition alot but I feel that the album is hampered by cheesiness somewhat.
  10. a fine day to die


    Basically dude, it's a way of making the drums sound totally different, almost electronic. It makes them sound alot more clean, but alot less authentic in my opinion. Kind of a cheap sound. There's little clamps that go on the rims of the drum and they sit up against the head. From there...
  11. a fine day to die


    I just noticed how easy quoting people was, sorry. Trym and Sandoval are two of the fastest blast-beaters out there period. It still blows my mind when I listen to Gateways or Anthems to Welkin at Dusk. They're just so fucking fast.
  12. a fine day to die


    Now he's definately one of the most inspirational drummers to myself, but saying he's the best drummer in the world is a bit too much. Pure fucking speed and power doesn't mean everything, but it does mean alot. I'd say there's other drummers in the genre who surpass him on the level of...
  13. a fine day to die

    Holiday Snaps: HUNGARY!!

  14. a fine day to die


    ergh, I hate triggered drums, I can never get over that aslong as I'm a drummer myself. I read that Pete uses them for the fact that he doesn't like the sound of his Pearl kit. He has an endorsement with a company he doesn't even like? PLUS, wtf, Pearl Masters are fucking sweet as hell. I'd...
  15. a fine day to die

    Heretic Has Leaked!

    hey man, nice sig :)
  16. a fine day to die

    So is Without Face on Earache now or what?

    ah fuck, thanks Lee, I made it a big deal to try to figure out what the fuck was going on with the booklet and why she was listed as the lyricist even though she wasn't in the band at the time. Personally, I think whoever the fuck the female singer was on the first album had a softer and...
  17. a fine day to die

    So is Without Face on Earache now or what?

    Well, coming from a straight man's point of view, hah, I can clearly say that Andras is almost as hot as Juliette. Seriously, give him some tits and he'd be hot, hell yeah. :erk: well anyways, did anyone see the "I and I" video? lol, wtf was that shit. Peter was all posing and shit and he...
  18. a fine day to die

    Heretic Tracklist???

    lol shit, yeah I guess I should've stated that it was guitar so we could've skipped the confusion. Anyways, yeah, I'll check them out thoroughly, thanks. Always pleased to hear more "good" bands. woo
  19. a fine day to die


    I'm 'almost' a grown man and they still give me the heebie jeebies.