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  1. Oceanic Motion

    Question about Insision merch

    Is the going to be a bunch of new shirts/longsleeves/what-not sorted out for when the new album is released? I would really like to get my hands on a Insision t-shirt in my size. Thnaks.
  2. Oceanic Motion

    New Subterranean Masquerade album..

    Up to track 7, "Awake". Not amazing but its definitely good to listen to, something out of the ordinary.
  3. Oceanic Motion

    Fucked Up Underground Hip-Hop

    Surely the non-metal forum is a more suitable place for this?
  4. Oceanic Motion

    Darkest Hour - Undoing Ruin

    I only like their 12 minute "Veritas, Aequitas", out of all I've heard.
  5. Oceanic Motion

    Which of these formats is highest quality?

    I just rip at 256kbps to stick on my HDD mp3 player. Sounds fine to me and as its a 60gb player i couldnt give a shit about the file sizes.
  6. Oceanic Motion

    What's goin' on with Digital Metal?

    I've been a regular on their board for a few years now and it seems to me that sometimes board users submit reviews so they can become writers but give up or whatever. Erik Thomas is peobably the best metal reviewer I've come across, he also writes for
  7. Oceanic Motion

    The non-metal thread

    Anything albums/works that are slow/sad or similar to Gorecki's Symph no.3? By BOC i presume you mean Boards of Canada, in which case here some more producers to check out: Arovane, Neotropic, Christian Kleine, Bola, Boy Robot, Casino Versus Japan, Isan, Yasume.
  8. Oceanic Motion

    The new Soilwork.

    Me too.
  9. Oceanic Motion

    The non-metal thread

    Anyone like Henryk Gorecki's Symphony No.3? I've been listening to that loads and, personally, I think its the best 56mins of music I've heard. Can anyone recommend me some more classic similar to this?
  10. Oceanic Motion

    Cephalic Carnage - Anomalies leaked

    Ok, so i just gave it a listen through. definitely their best album, imo, their other ones were a bit hit and miss with me. Am i right in thinking that pretty much every song is a piss take of a band/genre? "The Will Or The Way" sounds like napalm death to me, the vocals at least.
  11. Oceanic Motion

    The thread where you make me laugh.

    That pic is awesome. I've already used it on another board after adding some text to it.
  12. Oceanic Motion

    The thread where you make me laugh.

    Roach, where that pic in your sig from?
  13. Oceanic Motion

    The thread where you make me laugh.

    This pic cracks me up
  14. Oceanic Motion

    Cryptopsy = nu-metal

    Here's a bigger one, for future use.
  15. Oceanic Motion

    Behemoth's Demigod album.. Yay or nay??

    :lol: Top draw album. I listen to it a lot and its steadily becoming a Death Metal favourite of mine... Zos Kia Cultus still owns.
  16. Oceanic Motion

    Morbid Angel 2005

    Why, oh why do they tour with Soulfly!?
  17. Oceanic Motion

    Average bands that made a song that kicks tremendous ass

    FUCK YEAH! :rock: My favourite Metal song, and has been for years.