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  1. N

    Site updates

    Are you offering to help provide some content? If so let me know and I'll make sure it gets on the site.
  2. N

    I'm amazed

    There's a scene...too small though!
  3. N


    Might I suggest show times for working people???????? 7:00pm - Cyprian 8:00pm - Magnus Rising 9:00pm - Masters of the Universe Then you take a break and play a show for the jobless, sleepless, and people who will skip off from work or school on Friday. You can even keep the same start times...
  4. N

    New Panzer Foto

    When I saw the NU photo I though of Harry "Mallcore"...I think he rules and can wear what he wants but of course us fans will comment on it when it's a radical departure form the other images he's had. Spikey hair, black nail polish, whigger chains around his neck, "guy" shadow, and a hot topic...
  5. N

    Really Good CTS Review!

    Whoops, wrong link was posted! It's HERE. :hotjump:
  6. N

    Hails to the message board

    I haven't been to a show since Infernal Majesty either...I ususally stay away from the all ages shows since it's not really all ages but an "18 and under" show. Too bad everyone into metal didn't goto a show regardless of what age group it was setup for, but its not like that for some reason or...
  7. N

    Metal Musicians?

    Are there any metal musicians into MELODIC heavy metal, 80's metal/80's hard rock, and power/thrash metal (not death/black metal or or any kind of "core"). Musicians who are not kids, but are in the age group of 25-40, and who are not looking to make a go of being in a band for a career, but...
  8. N

    Anyone remember KAOS?

    I guess I'm the only person here over 30? haha
  9. N

    Hails to the message board

    I'd rather post here since Fireign are no more, and since the format of their board looks like 1997. :) No offense to the band, but I think this forum format is much easier and cooler to use. Cheers, g.
  10. N

    Power vs. Death

    I prefer singers who SING..not grunt. I like some death/black style, but very few. I would much reather hear someone singing clear, high, melodic vocals any day. It seems around here we have more of the grunt/growl style unfortunately.
  11. N

    Anyone remember KAOS?

    ...if you were into metal in the 80's you do for sure! They toured across the island twice. Their guitarist is now in Helix. Metal Rules interviewed Rainer Weichmann and you can check it out at
  12. N

    Recent metal shows in NL

    INFERNAL MAJESTY ONE WHO POINTS TO DEATH Canadian Tour 2004 1. CLB Armory - July 15th 2004 2. CBTG'S - July 16th 2004 St. John's, NL Canada HELIX Live on George Street St. John's, NL Canada June 30th, 2004 Who is coming next? We need to petition a promoter to bring more metal here. How...
  13. N

    let's do it!

    Who are these bands? Are they real heavy metal or are any of them punk/hardcore pretend metal? :yuk: Will they be playing original material or covers? If any of the bands have websites of sound clips online please post a link to it here!!
  14. N

    Congrats to Fireign!

    That's excelent news indeed! I bet it's the first time any band from NL has ranked in their best of lists ever.
  15. N

    where are all the Newfs?

    Check there are bands on the go but it's not that happening. Fireign, Oberon, and Commoname seem to be doing the most I guess?!
  16. N

    Dirty Deeds

    You left out one Bon-era tune....they ended with "Dirty Deeds". They did an excellent job with that and with "Jailbreak". I too was a bit dissapointed with the majority of the tunes being newer ones. It should of at least been a 50/50 split of Bon/Brian material. Hells Bells were the better...
  17. N

    Any NL scene oldtimers....

    Is there anyone on here who used to goto all the old shows of bands like Sacrament, After Forever, Marshall Law, and even earlier with Vengeance and Kaos who took pics of the bands live? If you have some and can scan them, e-mail them to me to use on the site.
  18. N

    Rental space for bands...

    Does anyone know of rental space for bands in St. John's / Mount Pearl? I'm still on the lookout and nothing seems to be available. You'd think that in a city of this size there would be something available to rent for a good price.
  19. N

    Dirty Deeds

    An AC/DC tribute band are playing at the George St. festival on sunday night, Aug. 3rd! That's the only band I'll be going to see during the festival.