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  1. D

    Roll Call for the Cleveland, OH show

    Got my tickets already purchased and await receiving them in the mail. Only an hour drive from Canton, so that's nice. And hopefully the sound mix well be up to par. The Agora Ballroom has sporadic mixers, so that it's excellent during a Vehemence show and the Nile/Arch Enemy show, but it's...
  2. D

    Top 10 Fav. Bands?

    1. Emperor 2. Agalloch 3. Opeth (last year they'd have been first, but Deliverance was a letdown) 4. Godspeed You Black Emperor! 5. Nile 6. Death 7. Dillinger Escape Plan (crazy as hell, hopefully I can get my finals projects done in time to see them on the 9th) 8. Vehemence 9...
  3. D

    World Series of Metal [Cleveland]

    Yeah, I noticed a lack of continual interest from band to band at the fest. Each had their groupies, but few supported any other band that came after them. Still, Dead to Fall was very enjoyable and a band I need to look into one of these days, it was fun to watch Nathan sing along, and your...
  4. D

    CD That Got You Into Metal

    Fear Factory - Demanufacture Not quite a classic, but still a very solid album even today, detailing the best of Roadrunner from 95. Bought primarily for the drum tracks, but loved for the atmosphere.
  5. D

    Top 5 Current Metal Bands

    top 5 current bands, in no real order... Fantomas Nile Lamb of God Immortal Opeth If based on since disbanded bands, Emperor would surely top the list. Still waiting on my copies of Agalloch to arrive in the mail, but word of mouth seems to say that they will enter the current list as well.
  6. D

    top 5 favorite books

    Not too surprised by your dislike of Hemingway. Though a revolutionary stylist, he is one of the most overrated writers exalted by English faculty everywhere. I've got Kafka's The Trial waiting for winter break. Come to think of it, I've got a shitload of Russian and German authors to read...
  7. D

    How did you hear about VEHEMENCE?

    Metal Judgment's review of the album. The pure excitement the reviewers had with the record led me to purchase it that afternoon. And from there, the record coalesced into an album beyond category, which is always a good thing.
  8. D

    top 5 favorite books

    Top five... 5. Nausea, by Jean-Paul Sartre 4. Notes from Underground, by Fyodor Dostoevsky 3. Stories, by Anton Chekhov (translated by Richard Peaver and Larissa Volokhonsky) 2. The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, by Haruki Murakami 1. Requiem for a Dream, Hubert Selby, Jr. Overall, the views...
  9. D

    Favorite song?

    In the midst of all the other postings, no one has posted a favorite song thread where we can discuss individual songs. So... working off of GWC, I would have to say my favorite song (note that I'm not saying the "best" song) is I Didn't Kill Her. The melodic rhythms that are interwoven...
  10. D

    Metal-Rules review of Vehemence --- Vehemence - God Was Created August 2002 | Released: 2002, Metal Blade | Rating: 4.5/5 | Reviewer: JP I haven’t been this impressed with a traditional death metal release since Nile hit the world five or...
  11. D

    A game of poetry.....

    This absence of you tears open the tranquil mood that long settled in after you first arrived, when you made the aestivals so auspicious and treasured that the aeons doubted such brilliance could be again repeated anon, this absence of you leaves the heart filled with a pallor...
  12. D

    World Series of Metal [Cleveland]

    Per request, the line-up for the World Series of Metal show in Cleveland on August 2nd is as follows... WORLD SERIES OF METAL w/ Incantation / Impaled / Decapitated / Dead To Fall / Vehemence / Havoc Hate / Somnus / Nocturnal Solace / Black Trinity / Seven Toungues the second day. without...
  13. D

    Check out these killer reviews:

    Unfortunately, no. The Agora website just lists a general tagline, and no bands are mentioned. I'll be at the Agora on the 28th of this month, though, for Nile/Arch Enemy and will try to grab a hand-out with full band attendence if no one else knows beforehand.
  14. D

    Check out these killer reviews:

    Yeah, as a regular at the Metal Judgment site, I took their advice and purchased 'God Was Created' yesterday. Amazing stuff; technical and melodic, yet brutal and uncompromising at the same time. One of the most focused concept albums I've heard, and I want to offer my congrats on a very fine...
  15. D

    Nevermore @ the Highland Theater Sept. 20th

    Nope, had the chance to see Nevermore in Cleveland when they toured with In Flames late last year, but I'd already gone to see the latter band two months earlier, and hadn't heard any of Nevermore's material then, so I skipped it. Needless to say, I'm kicking my own ass now. :lol: I am...
  16. D

    Nevermore @ the Highland Theater Sept. 20th

    Your problem is that you're thinking that Nevermore is the headliner. They're not. Savatage is; check Ticketmaster listings under Savatage and you'll find yer tickets...
  17. D

    Nevermore @ the Highland Theater Sept. 20th

    Mistangelique, check or local Ticketmaster outlets, they should be selling tickets to the show. Myself, I'm just gonna trek up there and risk not getting a spot. It compromises the possibility of a sell-out, but I've heard Highland as quite large. Thus, I'll take my chances...
  18. D

    Nevermore @ the Highland Theater Sept. 20th

    I'll be there, as I'm a fairly big fan of both bands. That said, I've already seen Savatage earlier this year (Cleveland Odeon), so the real interest is in seeing Nevermore for the first time. As long as River Dragon and DHIADW are in the setlist, I'm one happy camper...:cool: Might even be...
  19. D

    Who is the best metal drummer out there?

    Chris Adler from Lamb of God gets my vote. Very technical, with odd timing, but he wraps it up so well, with such intricacy.:eek:
  20. D

    The best albums so far this year...

    Not sure of the order, but these would be on my list... Opeth - Blackwater Park Dimmu Borgir - Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia and possibly... Children of Bodom - Follow the Reaper The first two I'm certain about, CoB though has some reservations. I think it's their best album to...