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  1. Bambi

    Priest Feast

  2. Bambi

    Priest Feast

    played about an hour, they were on stupidly early (before 7) so I missed the first chunk of their set. Crap sound but they played a blinder some tracks: Over the wall The new order DNR 3 days of darkness First strike is deadly new title track
  3. Bambi

    Tonight: Live from Møøse's House - The Tour de Ireland

    jemmy doesnt really do anything for me, its too smooth but pernod ricard or whoever push it as the default whiskey for foreign markets. ye cant go wrong with bushmills though, unless its white bush but Redbreast 12 year old is where you really want to be. A lot of furriners don't wise up to...
  4. Bambi

    The (Un)official Royal Carnage forum picture page

    Note that the grip is placed on the side so enlisted negroes may fire the weapon "drive by style" as is their custom. The US Navy values diversity
  5. Bambi

    Pagan Altar - the Cry of The Banshee

    Lies lies and more lies! :mad:
  6. Bambi

    Pagan Altar - the Cry of The Banshee

    exciter called, they want their title back :mad: Exciter - Cry of the Banshee – Music at
  7. Bambi

    What will women look like 10 years from now?!?

    Fucking nazis
  8. Bambi

    What will women look like 10 years from now?!?

    According to my initial calculations, 10 years from now the majority of women will look approximately a decade older. I hope this is of some help to the OP
  9. Bambi

    Vivaldi's "The Four Seasons" is the best piece of music ever written

    No one mentioned Mahler? For shame, for shame. :erk: I know fuck all about classical i just thought i'd pretend for a bit
  10. Bambi

    Ouch, worst break ever!?

    oh yeah, it seems this is the worst break evah :ill:
  11. Bambi

    Ouch, worst break ever!?

    Evans is english inne? tharts how engerlish blokes what do speak engerlish talk like mate. Option 1 is also possibly correct as well
  12. Bambi

    Ouch, worst break ever!?

    its real alright, from a show in the UK the guy who breaks his leg is rob evans or something, the guy who blocks the kick is ross pettifer, he was only 18 or 19 at the time i think
  13. Bambi

    ITT: Video of Metallica playing brand new song at Download.

    ha ha she's norn irish, don't go fucking with nordie chicks
  14. Bambi

    Gay Pride Parade in Romania....sup lurch?

    Maybe the puffs, the police and the nuns could team up for the common good and beat the shit outta the gypsies? :kickass:
  15. Bambi

    top 5?

    I saw neurosis badly. they were rokkin like don dokken
  16. Bambi


    they did? The bastards :mad:
  17. Bambi


    i blame the mexicans
  18. Bambi


    Your accidentally wiping pepper substances into your eye compliments mine :erk: it was a cardiff kebab shop in the crazy 90's, it took a nordie prod who was in the british army to fish the damn pepper seed out. god bless cross border relations :hypno:
  19. Bambi

    Let's make things interesting next week eh?

    thats true..i'm becoming predicatable :yell:
  20. Bambi

    top 5?

    I was just listening to that and it suddenly struck my that blacky's vocals sound like noddy holder. :ill::ill: "L.O!! V.E!! everybodys having fun" I feel all wierd now I've opened my mind and derkened my untire life :erk: