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  1. Weizenkeim

    Second Sky?

    This! Last we heard it was all but finished, but no word for a while now... :(
  2. Weizenkeim


    Yeah, EPIC setlist yesterday! The vocals have much improved since I last saw them, as well
  3. Weizenkeim

    Shit years in music

    Wow, guess I'm really making friends here today. ; ) Just to be clear: NOT saying everything from those years is shit, I just don't own any of it. I've listened to some of the suggestions you guys posted and enjoyed some of them. If I had all the time in the world, I'd listen to them all; since...
  4. Weizenkeim

    say something about ... yourself!

    I like draw teh penizes
  5. Weizenkeim

    Shit years in music

    but it's catchier ; ) srsly, not trying to stir shit here, people. Just thought it was odd that none of the music released in those years interested me. "Well, it's just entertainment, folks."
  6. Weizenkeim

    say something about ... yourself!

    Well, that's easy for you to say, but imagine buying a notebook and then finding out it's not suited for your purposes after all. I mean, notebooks go for over one € these days, for chrissakes! Imagine spending all that money on one with lines when you really needed one with squares! You'd be...
  7. Weizenkeim

    Best use of guitar phrasing?

    The solo from bittersweet feast is pretty cool
  8. Weizenkeim

    say something about ... yourself!

    holy shit the offspring are still around? also, shopping for notebooks sucks. I don't even remember what I bought in the end, I just wanted to make it stop. They should make it illegal for a company to offer more than 3 different models.
  9. Weizenkeim

    Shit years in music

    Ride the Lightning is awesome. Some of the Songs from Holy Diver I listened to are pretty cool as well Indifference is an opinion? I'm not saying the music is bad, it just doesn't interest me from what I know of those bands.
  10. Weizenkeim

    Close Minded Metalheads

    I've never understood what they're doing in that part. It's awesome!
  11. Weizenkeim

    Shit years in music

    Is there any one song from Holy Diver you would recommend listening to? I've never given Dio any thought but I'm happy to be convinced
  12. Weizenkeim

    Shit years in music

    nope, and none of them interest me except maybe for maiden and the police. Never liked Kill'em all.
  13. Weizenkeim

    Shit years in music

    I don't own a single record from 1983 to 1985. What's up with that? My favorites are 1998 and 1973.
  14. Weizenkeim

    Best extreme metal band

    incidentally, it sounds like AN have listened to their share of SYL
  15. Weizenkeim

    Best extreme metal band

    AN sounds kinda cool actually. There's still nothing heavier than a cool groove. Most extreme bands tend to forget that.
  16. Weizenkeim

    Close Minded Metalheads

    WTF is up with the bass in Augury? I always thought genres were only useful for communicating what a band sounds like. Making up new and overly complicated genre terms does the exact opposite. Mostly it's a means of record labels to build a hype around the band, and elitist music fans really...
  17. Weizenkeim

    Oh jeeze...

    Yeah, calling bullshit on this one. Both Nolan and Bale have gone on record saying they wouldn't make a movie with Robin, so why would they make one with Batgirl?
  18. Weizenkeim

    Bands who were cool before the suck

    if it had at least culminated in some hot man-rape, it wouldn't have been so incredibly lame... ;) Oh, and another thing: Please stop trying to do growls, mike portnoy. You're not fooling anyone. I'll agree that six degrees started the unfortunate trend of them wearing their influences on...
  19. Weizenkeim

    Bands who were cool before the suck

    6 Degrees is one of their 3 best records, after that they've become quite meh though. Btw, just listening to the new record and the lyrics to "the count of tuscany" had me in tears with laughter. So. Fucking. Bad. I can't grasp how those could have been written by the same guy as Scarred, Voices...
  20. Weizenkeim

    Katatonia supporting Porcupine Tree on Euro tour!!!

    Fuck, they don't guest in Cologne... Would have been too perfect, i already bought tix to that show... oh,well