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  1. Hawng

    Not sure if ....

    Any of yall have seen it, or maybe you all have and I didnt. But I came across this by accident, and Its not the greatest sounding, but it was a great moment in history captured for all in the future to see.... Miss this dude and when I saw it, I thought maybe some day some of you old bastards...
  2. Hawng

    Everybody's gone

    I used to love just visiting this forum and reading all the insane shit, to see Warrels posts, to find out the latest on what the boys were doing... Its sad that all the forums on this site are more or less dead these days.
  3. Hawng


    Its things like this that cause drama....let the drama begin!!
  4. Hawng

    I cant believe its been....

    17 years since I signed up for this site, and some of you old bastards are still posing here. I should come back and we can have heated conversations about the best way to get dietary fiber and how kids these days are stupid, cause back in my day...
  5. Hawng


    Regardless of who spent what, you have to agree, democrats and republicans.. it dont matter which one is in there, you get the same government. Obama is going for the record for Most wars started with out congressional approval in two terms... @Jerry :hahamiddlefinger:
  6. Hawng


    I came back after a couple of years to see what was going on on the old boards and was reading some of the old posts. I am embarrassed to say, I was wrong about a whole lot of things... So here's my apology... To the people who said that we were at war because of oil, I am sorry I called you...
  7. Hawng

    4 Americans killed in Libya

    And how does it make you feel inside to see and hear on the news that Hilliary Clinton was before the UN saying that Syria has WMDs, and US forces should be mobilized to take care of the threat?
  8. Hawng

    na na hey hey goodbye

    Dick with no balls = Jerry Jabber theme song lol
  9. Hawng

    na na hey hey goodbye

    :hahamiddlefinger: This has to be the most awesome smilieys ever, Ill name him.... Jerry
  10. Hawng

    na na hey hey goodbye

    Oh man, jerry lost his balls.... :hahamiddlefinger:
  11. Hawng

    Start a rumor here...

    I also hear hes big into the sausage too, heard that from someone, cant remember who though
  12. Hawng

    LOG Randy Blythe in Czech jail

    Havent been keeping up with news, hes still in there?
  13. Hawng

    O/T Lamb Of God singer arrested in Prague for killing a fan

    the only thing that bothers me about all this, LOG on their Facebook page has a PayPal account for people to donate money to Randy's defense fund, but the guy is worth over 13m dollars. So figuring randy s worth 13m, the other guys must be worth about the same, and they are begging people to...
  14. Hawng


    It was a great game, kept me hooked for about 350 hours, I didnt care for sitting at the forge for hours on end and making daggers and what not to build the xp to up my crafting skills to make Daedric armor, the only thing that would have made that game better would have been multi player, not...
  15. Hawng

    na na hey hey goodbye

    waitin for your dad to come by and lick my balls of course... Look at my abs, they are cut bitch boy lol
  16. Hawng

    Start a rumor here...

    Well, I heard Billy shaved his back and donated it to cancer kids, they all have hair now
  17. Hawng

    LOG Randy Blythe in Czech jail discuss....
  18. Hawng


    Man, that place is only 35 miles away and Im $1000 short :erk:
  19. Hawng

    na na hey hey goodbye

  20. Hawng


    I was just kidding, that would be a waste of Hard drive space.