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  1. NegativeVolume

    UNDERWORLD discussion thread

    Great thread! I'm digging all the differing opinions about this album. I've listened to the album a handful of times, but finally got to sink my teeth (ears) into it this morning. Here's a short review of how I view the album & tunes: Overall A very inspired-sounding effort. The songs are...
  2. NegativeVolume

    The State of Prog

    Hey Gang, So I'm a very intermittent poster here - VERY intermittent, lol. But I found my way back here after a small rediscovery of Sym X. I popped on Paradise Lost on my new car stereo, and I was a happy fuckin camper :rock::rock::rock: But this got me to thinking - I don't really...
  3. NegativeVolume

    Whats your favorite Symphony X album?

    This made me actually spit out my iced team, haha. I love guys like this - thinking music is a science rather than an art. And honestly? The number of awesome one-liners in this review are astounding. "It seems that all of them didn't have will to live..." "... that's the art of...
  4. NegativeVolume

    Adrenaline Mob

    I haven't read the whole thread here, but I'm a fan of the 2nd AM album. The first one tried to do too much IMO. The second album just gets into the groove of high-level driven stuff. And on the second album, it sounds like the band as a whole is having way more fun. I'm gonna see them live...
  5. NegativeVolume

    2012 Tour

    What a weird thread. I just saw them in NJ on Friday night, and loved the show. They put on a great show still, and are one of my favorite live bands. And frankly, if you don't like the shows, I'm sure nobody in the band will lose a wink of sleep. Bands play for 1 reason only: themselves...
  6. NegativeVolume

    SYMPHONY X, ICED EARTH To Join Forces For North American Tour

    This show is going to rock my inner being. Looking forward to the Starland Ballroom & Best Buy Theater shows :) :rock:
  7. NegativeVolume

    Question! Humbucker Chrome Plates

    Ahoy fellow rockers :rock: I recently installed a new pickup on my axe, the Seymour Duncan SH-6 Distortion Humbucker (loving it so far btw). My guitar (Schecter C-1 Classic) has an SH-1 in the neck spot, and the new Sh-6 in the bridge spot. The humbuckers that came with teh guitar have a...
  8. NegativeVolume

    SX Forum Album of the year - 2009!

    I'm not sure I got into any albums that were released this year. That's unfortunate :( I think the best album I picked up was probably the Chickenfoot album. Other than that, nothing really stands out to me. The latest Muse offering is good, but not my cup of tea. The new Porcupine Tree is...
  9. NegativeVolume

    Shadow Gallery's New album Digital Ghosts

    This is a band name I haven't heard in ages. I'm intrigued to hear all the praise for their latest effort. I think I'm gonna pick me up a new album soon :)
  10. NegativeVolume

    Pick-Up Mount Cracking - Is This Bad?

    Haha, slide is for suckers :heh: I'm gonna go back AGAIN to this place and ask for my money back. I'm tired of having a guitar that's worse now after I got it "fixed." I'll take what you guys said, and just rattle off all my complaints. @Kenneth: Yeah man, I love this axe so hard...
  11. NegativeVolume

    Dream Theater- BLACK CLOUDS & SILVER LININGS Coming June 23rd

    I was totally expecting you to do a Kanye West!: Sorry Sym X, I'm happy for ya and Imma let you finish, but DT had the best prog album of ALL TIME. ALL TIME! :lol:
  12. NegativeVolume

    Pick-Up Mount Cracking - Is This Bad?

    As promised, I took some pictures to try and get better pictures of the action/frets themselves. My phone blows at taking pictures, but I did what I could. Let me know if you want some different ones, I'll do what I can.
  13. NegativeVolume

    Pick-Up Mount Cracking - Is This Bad?

    Wow, those frets look a lot more normal than mine. This guy messed up bigtime. Thank you so much for the help CantoX. I'm ordering those pick-up rings now. Thank you for that link. I'm gonna have somebody round out my frets. I'll get a picture or two of the actual frets themselves for...
  14. NegativeVolume

    Your last purchase??

    Just picked up 3 new albums today at the Best of Buys: Steve Vai: Where the Wild Things Are Muse: Black Holes and Revelations Dethklok: Dethalbum II :) :) :)
  15. NegativeVolume

    Dream Theater- BLACK CLOUDS & SILVER LININGS Coming June 23rd

    QFT They have their occasional moments of good lyrics...well, tolerable. But for the most part, yikes. I have a tendency to just ignore whatever they try to say and pretend the singer is the lead instrument, and listen to melodies instead of actual words, lol. As for this album, I...
  16. NegativeVolume

    Official Off Topic Thread

    While I personally think this decision was a bit (insanely) awkward, I think the committee who does the decision making here is trying to give Obama more clout for when he does try to do peaceful things. Whether this works or not, time will tell. But my early guess is no, it will not. At...
  17. NegativeVolume

    Pick-Up Mount Cracking - Is This Bad?

    Well, this coincides with my last thread about the set-up. I don't play guitar much anymore, just to play the occasional gig really. I got a stint doing some local stuff, so that's why I originally got my guitar set-up. I hadn't noticed it until tonight, but I think the guy who did my...
  18. NegativeVolume

    Did I Get a Bad Set-Up?

    Thanks for all the helpful information guys, I greatly appreciate it! @CantoX: Yikes man, I'm so sorry to hear about your sucktastic story. That seems to be a common thing at these music stores, no? I think I'm going to take ABQ's advice and just find a local guy. It might take a while...
  19. NegativeVolume

    Your last purchase??

    Muse - Absolution Blue Stone - Messages Foreigner - Some 3-CD "best of" set :) Soundgarden - Superunknown
  20. NegativeVolume

    Choose Your Own Adventure...

    Hrm...dream line-up, eh? I'd go with something that rocks in a traditional rock'n'roll style: Vox: Russell Allen OR Myles Kennedy Guitar: Slash Bass: Michael Anthony Drums: Whoever rocks hardest right now...Portnoy would probably do a decent job in a line-up like this.