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  1. Justo Peralta

    This Krallice record...

    I thought it might be more like FrA-gEEl-ay :cry: Hmmm I wonder how a typical Mexican would try to pronounce Krallice when I go to the tianguis cultural next time...or a Korean? Or a redneck?
  2. Justo Peralta

    This Krallice record...

    Not to nit-pick you Oregonians (and the band themselves?), but sounds more like an Italian pronunciation Kra-lee-che...if it was a typical Spanish pronunciation it'd be Krai-yee-ke... ...regardless I still need to check out their disc, not so easy south of the border w/o resorting to...
  3. Justo Peralta

    bigfoot et al

    Recent reports of a bear-wolf near Holy Hill, Washington Co., Wisconsin:
  4. Justo Peralta

    bigfoot et al

    A little follow-up to the Greyhound bus homicide not too long ago, might be related to the Wendigo?
  5. Justo Peralta

    geekiness, thy name is greg

    All of Nu-Who was been quite good...more the recently finished S4 has been all around outstanding...1st season was good but a mixed bag, S2 introduced Tennant and a bit better hitting it's stride, S3 was better yet...
  6. Justo Peralta

    geekiness, thy name is greg

    This thread is worthy of me coming out of lurking for comment: Greg's the...coolest...geek...ever! :rock: *JP runs out for his TARDIS USB hub* *stops short of a Tennant hetero-crush*
  7. Justo Peralta

    News You can hear the new track "Vigil" on myspace. :kickass:
  8. Justo Peralta


    Sad news really, taken from - SAD NEWS Written on 13/7/07 Many of you have been waiting for sound, and we are sorry for the silence. We needed to be alone, without the hustle and bustle of the living. We are uncomfortable with the world, the industry and our...
  9. Justo Peralta

    Ulver videos...

    Been meaning to post this for a while... ...beyond other youtube videos posted of the rare (and poor quality) early 90's Ulver live vids, there's some other stuff up there now... ...including a German fan made video of "Lost in Moments" excerpts...
  10. Justo Peralta

    Always something new out of Borneo..

    ...and they all look the same. :erk: I finally waded through last month's crappy pics I took at the Kayo Dot show and planned on posting some tomorrow, but this somehow seems appropriate to post right now: <insert caption>
  11. Justo Peralta

    Always something new out of Borneo..

    That's very cool...does look like a lemur, wonder what family-genus-species they belong to.... And who's that fat furry facker w/ the weird tounge up on the 1st post?
  12. Justo Peralta

    Dowsing Anemone available at Willowtip now

    Willowtip/Tipton e-mailed me "sent", so new KO. is on the way :rock:
  13. Justo Peralta

    Where will Ulver go next?

    You're not too far off the mark...but maybe a little too late in time. The electronica, trip-hop, and british dub influences were there back with "Themes...", successfully (or not depending on who you ask) mixing it up with metal and industrial/goth (*shutter*). Listening to the "Blood Inside"...
  14. Justo Peralta

    Kveldssanger lyrics

    by the by...the above was posted on the old jester records message board. there might be a translation of Ulvsblakk there somewhere, but I didn't come across it.
  15. Justo Peralta

    Kveldssanger lyrics

    Not lyrics from Kveldssanger, but all I could find for now was a translation for Bergtatt: ------------------- LED ASTRAY IN THE FOREST DARKE They awaited the Maiden's return Astray She was in the Forest darke Her onlie Friende The homeward Path Hidden by spreading Snow O...
  16. Justo Peralta

    ITT: Well Wishes Are Bestowed

    Wow, not much lovin' ITT :( I hardly ever visit UM anymore, but... Dear Kayo Dot, Best of luck on tour!
  17. Justo Peralta

    "Flores Man"

    It's interesting that anatomically modern humans migrated out to Indonesian islands and out to Polynesia possibly as early 60,000-40,000 years before present, so there are definite possibilities of stories of dwarves reflecting a social memory with some real historic content. Also I remember...
  18. Justo Peralta

    "Flores Man"

    For the cryptozoology enthusiasts and others interested... This has been gettin popular press recently, the hobbit sized homonid species discovered recently on the island of Flores, between New Zealand and Indonesia proper. Skeletal remains demonstrate an adult "Flores 'Man'" is even smaller...
  19. Justo Peralta

    Do you know Father Strangelight?

    oh brender, and i thought this was plenty amuzing for about 3 minutes :cry: :tickled: don't make it all about drama now kids :yell: :tickled:
  20. Justo Peralta

    oh great, UM is back

    Sorry, Google doesn't know enough about uncle morris yet.