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  1. Dhalaren

    WOODS OF YPRES - 2010 Summer Tours!

    I noticed on the facebook update you're rehearsing in Fredericton, New Brunswick. Where exactly are you rehearsing and what brings you out this way? Also are you planning on playing a show here? A lot of metal bands play shows at Nikki Zee's. I posted their e-mail and phone number here, it'd be...
  2. Dhalaren

    Variation in Dead Heart track

    Hey guys, For years now I had a downloaded version of the track Dead Heart, in a Dead World. It was a great track and a couple of years ago inspired me to buy the album. Now, the version on the album was ever so slightly different the copy I had downloaded and gotten used to. The...
  3. Dhalaren

    "The Drapery Falls" or "The Drapery Falls"?

    I always interpreted it both ways. But either way seems to work. The Drapery Falls sounds like a logical name for a waterfall... sounds magical :kickass:
  4. Dhalaren

    Which song(s) got you into Opeth and when?

    It was at the end of 2002, right about when Deliverance came out. I downloaded Bleak and April Ethereal at random off Kazaa. Was amazed by both songs, and bought Deliverance almost right away from my local music store. They've been my favorite band ever since.
  5. Dhalaren

    How did Opeth come to be singed to RR?

    RR was good back in the early 90's, went to hell in the late 90's, and the early part of the new millenium, with nu-metal commercial garbage. They're somewhat making a comeback with some decent metal bands now, Opeth, Dream Theater and PT to name a few. But that's only because the metal market...
  6. Dhalaren

    Transition from "Aaaah to Death Growl" in Karma

    Yeah I always heard it as an ohhhh rather than an ahhhh, but listening to it now I can hear both depending on which I have in mind. But either way it is a great transition!
  7. Dhalaren

    peter looks like christopher walken

    haha I always found he looked like Johnny Depp too... but these other suggestions fit well also hahah
  8. Dhalaren

    Meeting the band

    If you read it literally and replaced the abbreviation TBA with the actual words To be Announced it would read: "One of the openers is to be announced", so no I didn't think it was a band. I can see where the confusion arose though.
  9. Dhalaren

    Meeting the band

    I'm going to that show as well... It's going to be an awesome time i'm sure. One of the openers is TBA, and the other one is "3".
  10. Dhalaren

    The Wacken carnage

    I'm kind of happy because May 19th is my birthday... so it's like an amazing birthday present haha :P
  11. Dhalaren

    Heir Apparent

    The solo in White Cluster is very shreddy and no one has ever complained about it. It's also one of my favorite Opeth solo's. And Fredrik's solo in Heir Apparent is also great in my opinion... has the more atmospheric side to it in the beginning which is very much Opeth, and then moves into a...
  12. Dhalaren

    Metalocalypse season 2

    I saw a few episodes from season 2 on, they have since been taken down. But they were a lot funnier than the first season, more laugh out loud funny than chuckle funny like I found the first season was.
  13. Dhalaren

    Opeth has reached my school ^_^

    In my last years of high school a shitload of people knew about Opeth and now i'm in a larger city at University and almost every third person has heard of Opeth. They're not the small band they once were, or that you guys make them out to be haha.
  14. Dhalaren


    I ordered the Crimson II T-shirt from them and it took a few months... I found out it got lost in the mail, and I e-mailed them so they sent another one which I received. It was pretty nice of them to send another one though.
  15. Dhalaren

    Got Guitar Pro? Post your shit here!!(Check out mine, feedback please!)

    Nice man, really good job. It flows very nicely and all the parts work well together. Even the bass and drums are great, I like how the drums have that tribal atmosphere.
  16. Dhalaren

    Speed metal

    Sonata Arctica are nothing close to speed metal, they're pure happy power metal.
  17. Dhalaren

    A line in Bleak's lyrics...

    If you think clearly, it is most plausibly because Mikael wrote the lyrics and a layout for the booklet was created. They go into the recording studio and start recording the songs, and they make some minor adjustments.. maybe the song will flow better with one less syllable in the sentence or...
  18. Dhalaren

    Speed metal

    The first Blind Guardian album Battalions of Fear is a classic speed metal album.
  19. Dhalaren

    Out of 10, how would you rate your life?

    I put 8, I'm pretty fucking happy.
  20. Dhalaren

    Trend in lengths of tracks on TGCD

    haha, don't worry, I was expecting it... I'm used to posting on forums and I know it's always the douche who posts first.