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  1. petrucci_dude

    Writing full songs

    Yeah, dan weapon has some points there!!
  2. petrucci_dude

    Writing full songs

    Learn how to make variations of riffs, melodic and rhythmic ideas, anything really. That'll give you as many new ideas as you want out of that one spark you initially have! I do that a lot with my songs, I might take just 3 notes and turn it into something completely different through...
  3. petrucci_dude

    Tips for a mix I'm working on please! I trust you guys ;)

    To clarify, I think it's missing some width at least, but it doesn't matter what stereo widening tools I use I can't seem to make it sound as wide and deep as pro mixed tracks are.
  4. petrucci_dude

    Tips for a mix I'm working on please! I trust you guys ;)

    Hey dudes, I read this forum every day just about and only remembered today that I actually have a login for UM from about 5 years ago, so I decided to get involved! Haha I just came up with this quick sample and I'm pretty happy with it. But it's lacking something. I don't know how to master...
  5. petrucci_dude

    Introducing myself + new clips I'm working on for my album...

    Hey peeps! I'm Scott and I play guitar/record/write/mix/produce my band X3N. I've always been a "hoverer" or "watcher" of this forum, coming here for tips and just browsing through the posts. You all seem like friendly people so I've come to chat. There are some clips of the album I'm working...
  6. petrucci_dude

    It's been a looooong while...

    What's up? I'm back from not posting for about 3 or so years hahaha. What's everyone been up to? I heard a while back through Dougie that TM split, what a shame :( You guys were one of the only Australian bands I bothered listening to and actually enjoyed! Good to see you've all moved onto...
  7. petrucci_dude

    A Chick from Oz... and there aint no Wizard

    Greetings fellow Oz-tralian ;)
  8. petrucci_dude

    Reintroducing myself after a few years of not posting...

    Sup peeps! I'm Scott and I'm from Sydney, Australia. I play guitar, write tunes and do all the recording/mixing/producing for my band X3N ( I love long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, fluffy kittens and a good spliff or two ;) Nice to meet you guys! :) - Scott
  9. petrucci_dude

    Circus Maximus - Coming To A Town Near You

    Yeah and there better be an Australian tour! People are dying to have them here! :D
  10. petrucci_dude

    New Guitarist Announcement

    Interesting to hear the new stuff, guys! Can't wait for the new demo. *excited* :D
  11. petrucci_dude

    Dream Theater Aussie dates announced! *blows*

    I'm going to all the shows. Getting the tickets for my Christmas presents from family members. lol ROAD TRIP FTW!
  12. petrucci_dude

    Dream Theater Aussie dates announced! *blows*

    If I had tickets to Iron Maiden I would sell them for this. It's just like selling them for drugs, DT ARE MY DRUG.
  13. petrucci_dude

    Favourite 5 Bassists

    In no order... John Myung (Dream Theater) Sam Rivers (Limp Bizkit) Billy Sheehan (Solo, Vai, etc) Rufus Philpot (Planet X, Virgil Donati, etc) Felipe Andreoli (Angra) I could mention 5-10 more but these are the first ones that popped into my head (probably because of music I've been listening...
  14. petrucci_dude

    Jonathan Talan leaves TM/Guitarist Wanted

    :( This is big/sad news! I found out yesterday through Josip and I was completely shocked! Just ask him! I would audition in a flash but my heart is with Pandora right now. I wish TM all the best and hope you guys can find another sickunt guitarist to replace the legendary Jonno. It will be a...
  15. petrucci_dude

    Happy Birthday Gus!

    Wow, same birthday as mine. :) I feel even more awesome to be born on the 12th September now! lol
  16. petrucci_dude

    Top 5 Drummers

    In no particular order: Virgil Donati Dave Weckl Mike Portnoy Thomas Lang Dennis Chambers Many others I could have listed but it does say top 5. :P
  17. petrucci_dude

    The New Purchases Thread

    Frost* - Milliontown Best album I have heard in years. Fans of older and newer progressive rock, Porcupine tree and pop music should really give this one a listen. It was written and performed on by the producer/arrange for the Holly Valance album "Footprints" and the Atomic Kittens album...
  18. petrucci_dude

    The Most Consistent Metal Artist Ever....

    Ah, well of course I'm going to say Dream Theater right now. lol
  19. petrucci_dude

    The Most Consistent Metal Artist Ever....

    I don't see how they've sold out SymX_AUS. They're still doing really well and I think technically at the top of their game. Sure their metal side comes out a bit more on later releases, but they still have those epic vibes and neoclassical style shred sections which we all know them for.
  20. petrucci_dude

    The Most Consistent Metal Artist Ever....

    Meshuggah has been pretty consistent in my opinion. So has Symphony X. Like, neither has sold out or completely changed their style.