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  1. Kudzu

    Now there's a damned hole in my fish! What the helllll?! Its this "Hole in the head" disease that also can occur on the laterals of fish. It would be cool for humans to have it too, but we have more boring illnesses. Post some pics of it nevertheless.
  2. Kudzu

    The Heartwork sound

    Heya ladies and gentlemen. I've always been a big Carcass fan, Heartwork being my favorite. Recently I picked up the guitar again and started fiddling around with death metal sounds, tuning down to D, strings as fat as satan's dick, etc...but I've been digging Heartwork for so long that it's...
  3. Kudzu

    Latin and Black Metal

    Latin is ancient. It comes from when the world was still full of mystery and unexplained things, and it does help black metal capture the essence of those times. It also could be some sort of mockery, speaking of the devil in the quintessentially christian language.
  4. Kudzu

    Recommend me some happy music

    They also explore dark themes sometimes, but The Smiths, or Stone Roses are pretty upbeat and quite accessible if you're into metal. It's the rockiest, dirtiest, and darkest of pop. ...but it's still pop.
  5. Kudzu

    The new great band "the afterlife"

    Yep let's start listening to Celine Dion because maybe, someday, she'll growl :kickass:
  6. Kudzu

    What do you guys think of Genesis....!!!!!

    I prefer Steve Hackett's solo work. He's darker and stranger than when he played in Genesis, especially in his later albums, great twisted stuff.
  7. Kudzu

    Devin Townsend

    ^Agree 100%. Great musician, but far too repetitive nowadays :(
  8. Kudzu

    Devin Townsend

    For me it's Ocean Machine, Infinity and Terria. The rest start to sound a bit the same.
  9. Kudzu

    Flamenco Metal

    I live in spain and there was a flamenco metal band around sometime ago. Surprisingly it sounded very good, although I don't remember the name. I'll post the info if I happen to remember it while on drugs. Anyway, if you record anything let us know.
  10. Kudzu

    Learning guitar?

    I just think that starting with classical gives you the right bases to start going complicated with electric when needed. There's tons of metal guitarists out there that just can't play a C#m7. They don't know what it is! They have spent 3 years playing riffs and uncomprehensible solos and they...
  11. Kudzu

    Learning guitar?

    Great post Mr. Poe. About choosing a classical guitar...there is a reason why that isn't a bad idea at all. If you buy an electric guitar first, it will be great fun learning to do power chords and noisy solos, but when you reach certain level where you want to start using more complex chords...
  12. Kudzu

    Enslaved in the NY Times

    Who compared enslaved's music with cof's music? :lol:
  13. Kudzu

    Recommend me some Anathema!

    Judgement is the one.
  14. Kudzu

    Enslaved in the NY Times

    I don't know if i like underground metal bands to get general media attention. I'm glad for the band as popularity is what they need to pay off all their hard work...but look at what happened with Cradle of Filth and many other bands. It's difficult not to sell out when they're waving big fat...
  15. Kudzu

    David Bowie

    Apparently Outside was to be the first album of a bowie-eno trilogy, dunno why they didn't complete it. There's an album around the internets that's called "Outside Outtakes" wich is a massive jam session with bowie, eno, and the rest of the musicians involved in Outside. Haven't heard it but...
  16. Kudzu

    Now Playing Thread

    Kino - Picture
  17. Kudzu

    Swedish band Kent

    The best album is Isola by far. If you get used to the pop sound it's a strangely sad album with great songwriting into the equation.
  18. Kudzu

    David Bowie

    That song is from the "Outside" album. He did the whole record with brian eno fiddling the electronics and it's a true underrated masterpiece. The must-have's are from space oddity up to let's dance when he started to change his style to a more dancy thing...and ziggy stardust is an...
  19. Kudzu


    It's a bit repetitive and nothing new really...but nevertheless a nice listen. Duncan ruled in anathema.
  20. Kudzu


    Estan en Frago dos vecinos y dicen: - joder, esta lluvia me da grima - tranqui, que ya va a amainar