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  1. Gums

    New album Foregone out February 2023

    Haha. Well, yes, I am amazed that he can do something well, vocally, in a live setting. To me, it sounds much, much better than the average death metal vocalist. It sounds great, has a ton of power, and he can do it repeatedly. I was genuinely surpirsed at what I was hearing. Hey, I'm going...
  2. Gums

    New album Foregone out February 2023

    If their aim when recording a new album is primarily focused on the output in a live environment, which I don't doubt since they've said it 1000 times, then they need to find a producer who understands that and helps them achieve their goals. Unless Benson teaches Anders how to put some stage...
  3. Gums

    New album Foregone out February 2023

    I am a studio first person too. But I know the band isn't, they've said it many times. So this seemed like maybe a logical avenue toward something good in the studio, which they can hammer the fuck out of live. I thought there could be something there. Then we get the grenade of mammoth shit...
  4. Gums

    New album Foregone out February 2023

    When you are a 48 year old man producing autotuned squeeling about bedtime and monsters in your room, people are gonna let you have it. Rightfully so, cause it's fucking weird! It's totally pathetic, I felt like burning myself in the shower.. I wanted to point the showerhead directly at my nuts...
  5. Gums

    New album Foregone out February 2023

    100%. The whole thing doesn't make sense. It doesn't appear to be consistent with how they promoted the album. It isn't consistent with their song choices and performances live. Anders seems to be having the time of his life up there, actually able to hold his own next to gifted musicians on...
  6. Gums

    New album Foregone out February 2023

    We all want to love In Flames. We try very hard to. They have a special place in our hearts. But clearly these cleans are outrageous. It cannot be ignored. I don't know what the fuck this shit is and how people can tolerate it, fucking hell!! It's weird because live, Anders sounded like a...
  7. Gums

    New album Foregone out February 2023

    Once. Same with the Clayman re-releases. But after listening to Clayman (the song) and Only for the Weak, I couldn't listen to the rest. I couldn't believe how bad they were. There were also a few other releases that I didn't bother listening to at all.
  8. Gums

    New album Foregone out February 2023

    I don't remember. I only listened to those albums once. Battles I couldn't even finish the first time I tried, so I guess this one is better. But it doesn't really matter, all 3 of these albums are bad enough that I wouldn't listen to them in almost any circumstance. I am not in any way...
  9. Gums

    New album Foregone out February 2023

    I tried. Mainly because I felt bad for calling you out earlier and your reply was endearing. I hated it just as much as the first time. Just painful.
  10. Gums

    New album Foregone out February 2023

    In Flames Foregone - The Beginning of All things that will end: That title is humiliating. It's hard to take it seriously already. For at least attempting to do something outside of the plastic metal mold with a few acoustics, I can give it a few points. But I would never listen to this again...
  11. Gums

    New album Foregone out February 2023

    Exactly. You guys choose to listen to this stuff repeatedly and get hardened to how abominable it is. For some reason you choose to harm yourselves.
  12. Gums

    New album Foregone out February 2023

    Why do you choose to put the vocals aside? They are part of the music. You aren't being honest with yourself. You're shelving these parts, like a trauma survivor. I understand. It's not easy. I felt the same way. I tried to pretend that didn't just happen. But these vocals do exist. You are...
  13. Gums

    New album Foregone out February 2023

    This album is like the audio equivalent of being forced to watch incest pedophilia. It needs a warning before listening. It may disturb some listeners, you are about to hear a 50 year old man make sounds that you can't un-hear. Everyone who likes this must somehow be hardened to this sort of...
  14. Gums

    New album Foregone out February 2023

    I want to take the time to reiterate how dissatisfied I am with this album. A truly terrible record. My overall score is 2/10. Without the choruses and awkward vocals on every non-growl, maybe it would be a 4 or 5 for competent yet boring musicianship. Cathy choruses. What the actual fuck...
  15. Gums

    New album Foregone out February 2023

    Let us get back to the original point which was rudely deflected earlier: Foregone is vomit inducing. I just vomited again when I remembered listening to it.
  16. Gums

    New album Foregone out February 2023

    I don't know what the first part means. I don't need to read old posts, I was involved in the forum in those days and earlier. I love Clayman and hate Foregone, so your point about production isn't in line with what I was trying to say. I guess I meant that it felt like their trend toward a...
  17. Gums

    New album Foregone out February 2023

    Depends on your definition of subtle. Compared to this latest travesty of an album, where the vocals are so over the top its comedic, then yes, the cleans were subtle. But when you compare to the previous albums, where cleans were using sparingly and more as accents, RTR's cleans are not at...
  18. Gums

    New album Foregone out February 2023

    I partially agree with that. However there were also elements of their music that went missing after Clayman, which appealed to those of us on the early In Flames side of the fence. Examples - Suburban Me solo - Another day in quicksand ending - Songs without these singing choruses The...
  19. Gums

    New album Foregone out February 2023

    Come on now. I reported this post to the moderator. The comment should be burned, and holy water sprinkled on it. I was actually excited about this album after reading some things in advance. Turns out I got conned worse than the time my grandparents sent a guy $6000 when he pretended to be...
  20. Gums

    "I have returned from a long abscence!" <----You? Post HERE!

    I remember chatting with you on ICQ! I became inspired, managed to figure out my own ICQ login, and found your number. :kickass: I'll pm it to you :D