Search results

  1. Trent

    Looking to start a band.

    Anyone in St. John's/Mount Pearl Or anywhere looking to start a power/thrash metal band. Looking for heavy sounds. Looking for Lead, Bass, Drummer, and vocals.
  2. Trent

    COB should headline ozzfest

    Everyone on this thread are talking about Dimmu and Sabbath... What about Lamb of God... I picked up their CD at MusicWorld like 3 months ago and they fucking ROCK
  3. Trent

    Spinefarm DVD with COB release?

    When is the release date for north america? Anyone?
  4. Trent

    Bodom Smokers

    Fuck smoking cigarettes... Marijuana is so much better
  5. Trent

    WOMEN: The Thread For Men!

    Women... Can't live with them... Can't Kill them
  6. Trent

    Happy Fuckin Birthday

    I would like to wish you a happy 18th anniversary of escaping your mothers uterus... NOW GO GET DRUNK!!!!
  7. Trent

    Is This a good guitar to buy?

    The Rhodes V is nice, but if you want an amazing sound... look into Washburn... more so the Idol Series or X Series. These guitars are amazing quality and an amazing tone especially a lower crunch than anything I've played before.
  8. Trent

    Are you a nerd? Then prepare to have a hard on

    I've just creamed my pants DROOL!!!!!
  9. Trent

    New PSX revealed

    Sega was Good, Nintendo Rocks, Sony Is Amazing... But Atari 2600 Rules ALL
  10. Trent

    What's Alexi's ...

    That is absolutely Amazing
  11. Trent

    The "What are you doing RIGHT now?" thread

    Man... Just finished work, Stupid Coffee, Sitting here listening to In Flames and debating on what booze I should buy for tommorow
  12. Trent

    "Hello, I'm new" - Introduce yourself

    Thanks all!
  13. Trent

    "Hello, I'm new" - Introduce yourself

    Yeah... I didn't realize that other thread was there. Oh well.
  14. Trent

    "Hello, I'm new" - Introduce yourself

    Hey, I'm a newbie to the board. Name's Trent, HUGE COB Fan... Hoping to go see a show of theirs in the US Soon. Alexi is God