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  1. Jean-Pierre

    Borrowed Time - Fog in the Valley 7", coming this Fall!

    Yeah, I was all out, sorry if I didn't reply, don't mean to be flaky... But now it's on a pro-pressed cd from Sarlacc Productions, I'm offering a shirt and cd for 15 plus shipping.
  2. Jean-Pierre

    Borrowed Time - Fog in the Valley 7", coming this Fall!

    The cooling winds have blown in, and the tempest force has lifted, it's memory held in crystalline mist both literal and illusory. All that's left after the deluge is a daunting fog in the valley. Fall is here, ripe weather for putting out some vinyl! With help from Flo (of Thrash Attack...
  3. Jean-Pierre

    Any news on Wintersun's "Time"?

    New genre: Straight hair Metal. This is processed dick cheese.
  4. Jean-Pierre


    Every album is great. My favorite song is probably No Turning Back or Break Free.
  5. Jean-Pierre

    Borrowed Time!

    Borrowed Time: Old Metal in the vein of Gotham City, Manilla Road, Pagan Altar and Satan Already running for tomorrow having opened for Metal Legends Accept and Raven (along with great underground gigs with Wastelander, High Spirits, Shitfucker, Parasytic, Bible of the Devil, Anhedonist...
  6. Jean-Pierre

    Seth Putnam of Anal Cunt dead at 43

    The guy nailed down derelict nature to an art. Anal Cunt was actually not the worst on Morbid Florist, and Picnic of Love is hilarious. The first Upside Down Cross album wasn't bad. To take that shit as far as he did denotes definite artistic skill, considering the absolute dirt that comprised...
  7. Jean-Pierre

    Witch Mountain

    Both bands are on the top of my list. Prime examples of unpretentious great songwriters and performers.
  8. Jean-Pierre

    Live From MDF 2011

    Checking in from the background. From where I was standing the Acid was really flowing. In Solitude is full of pretty men. Voivod, Citizens Arrest, Cathedral, Doom, Nuclear Assault and Aura Noir for the win.
  9. Jean-Pierre

    The pics thread

    We should chill sometime so I can tape those 'offa you. I'll bring libations, records, lube...
  10. Jean-Pierre

    Who is going to MDF '11

  11. Jean-Pierre

    For those whom find the new Maiden dull...

    This just sounds like the pitch was raised.
  12. Jean-Pierre

    Weirdest looking bands/musicians?

    I like Portal. Sorry though, the Residents are way better. Mort might appreciate that I found every single Residents LP from Duck Stab til like 81 at Dearborn music for under 5 bucks each bout a year ago. :D
  13. Jean-Pierre

    Fortress Under Siege - Greek prog/power metal

    Wow, I guess I'm not surprised at the lack of response with it, since everyone wants to froth over a kindergarten children's band surrounded by managers and accountants in another thread... This is amazing! Never heard it before, it's incredibly spacy and thoughtful. Gonna give it another...
  14. Jean-Pierre

    A Hamelot of Epica Proportions

    Prognosis negative? :p
  15. Jean-Pierre

    New Virgin Steele Album Due This Fall!!!

    Why haven't we orchestrated a Virgin Steele party of some sort? Are you going to Raven, Mort?
  16. Jean-Pierre

    Worst metal band ever period

    Anything on Century Media records in the last 5 or 6 years is the worst Metal band ever, depending on the weather.
  17. Jean-Pierre

    The pics thread

    This. Some chick probably left it on his bedroom floor. :lol:
  18. Jean-Pierre


    Agreed. Who the fuck wants Maiden to sound like the newest Century Mediocre release? The live in studio sound suits the "jammy" nature of their new material anyway. And that's what their new material is, they've made their masterpieces and now they jam on a good riff or five for a while and...