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  1. cthulufhtagn

    Is CRIMSON the best death metal album ever?

    Crimson is the exact kind of album I loved as a teenager and couldn't give less of a shit about now...except I always thought it was boring until I put it on sometime in the last year and realized it ruled, immediately thought of this place.
  2. cthulufhtagn

    Where Are They Now?

    Ew, no. I mean, uh, congrats to Henrik and Hell Mike.
  3. cthulufhtagn

    WTF are you listening to?

    gonna be listening to this every morning through the entire fall season
  4. cthulufhtagn

    WTF are you listening to?

    I just realized I can adjust the playback speed to 1.25x on the "Stratego" Maiden video on Youtube and it's like infinitely better
  5. cthulufhtagn

    My Latest Purchases Thread Mk. III

    might as well be
  6. cthulufhtagn

    My Latest Purchases Thread Mk. III

    One pound of birria
  7. cthulufhtagn

    Noltem - "Illusions in the Wake" (2021, Transcending Obscurity Records)

    I just found my Hymn of the Wood tape yesterday
  8. cthulufhtagn

    Circa 2021: Notable Releases

    Aenigmatum are fucking fantastic, one of my favorite locals. Excellent live too.
  9. cthulufhtagn

    Hey Dorian tell me about your day.

    *air quality
  10. cthulufhtagn

    post the best dog and/or cat breeds

    I have a Persian and a part-Norwegian forest cat, they are my fancy studio buddies and I spend more time talking to them than any human including my wife
  11. cthulufhtagn

    How are you guys doin?

    I got vaxxed as soon as possible, zero side effects, can visit my elderly neighbors without worrying about killing them, feels good man.
  12. cthulufhtagn

    Circa 2021: Notable Releases

    Jesus fucking christ four songs over nine minutes. You know what, fine, they've earned it, have fun with your samurai triple album boys.
  13. cthulufhtagn

    Noltem - "Illusions in the Wake" (2021, Transcending Obscurity Records)

    Awesome work man. This is fantastic. Really gorgeous packaging too. Any chance of a US release?
  14. cthulufhtagn

    Circa 2021: Notable Releases

    Eh, new Maiden track is ok but seems like everything since Dance of Death is both too slow and too long. Play faster, song goes quicker, problem solved. Bruce still killing it though.
  15. cthulufhtagn

    Where Are They Now?

    Oh I came in last. That's the funnier story anyway. Haha you definitely remember that complaint a lot better than I do. I've driven up that way like twice, ever. I'm sure Bellingham is nice this time of year.
  16. cthulufhtagn

    WTF are you listening to?

    Saw her open for Mono a few years ago and it was fantastic.
  17. cthulufhtagn

    Where Are They Now?

    I used to complain about a lot of shit. I still do, but I used to too. That Shakespeare band was a lot of fun but was also more of a live comedy act than a real band so the not-great recordings are...not great. Got a tattoo to commemorate the experience though. It came up again when I was a...
  18. cthulufhtagn

    life quality poll

    Yeah, suppose I wish I had the work ethic I do now when I was 20 but I've spent the intervening years improving it. Better off now, as things are.
  19. cthulufhtagn

    The Aging Thread

    these are the hot takes I came back for
  20. cthulufhtagn

    life quality poll

    I may have been right but you could not fucking pay me to be 20 again and my 20s were totally fine