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  1. D

    Australian tour 2016

    Saw them last night at Sydney and it was mostly stuff off Underworld - but I don't care! It love the album and it was a fantastic night :)
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    I've used 5.1 headphones, they're not bad, actually! But that being said, my Logitech Z-5500 5.1 system is awesome. The one thing that always comes to mind about the beauty of 5.1 is from LOTR:FOTR when they're fleeing Moria after Gandalf falls and the arrows are flying from in front to behind...
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    New site any time soon?

    Actually, I'd say the site's slowed down because there's nothing left to talk about. It's not like a new website is suddenly going to bring up 100 new things to talk about.
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    question for the band/producer/engineer about the latest album's mastering

    I think Paradise Lost suffers from it worse. It was one of the things I was listening for in Iconoclast.
  5. D

    My Iconoclast preorder finally arrived...

    ...and this is an awesome album. Just like every single Symphony X album, it has its own voice. Yes, there are a couple of lame-o moments, but 99% of the album is pure awesomeness. Symphony X are doing heavy better than most bands who've only ever been doing heavy.
  6. D

    First song you listened to by Sym X

    My brother showed me In the Dragon's Den because he thought the drumming was cool. He gave me a few MP3s, including the Odyssey and Fallen, and it was more through having them on my playlist for a couple of weeks that I got into them - initially I wasn't into the heavier sound of Symphony X...
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    Bah at you all!

    Same here!
  8. D

    Bah at you all!

    I didn't finish high school, so I totally have grounds to use that one :P
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    Bah at you all!

    It's not a weak argument, you just didn't read what I said.
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    Bah at you all!

    I dislike the insinuations that I have said something that I have not, and therefore that makes me an idiot, according to the only two people I have been openly hostile towards. It bothers me when people who give me the impression of being Smart On The Internet aren't paying attention and I...
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    Bah at you all!

    Again, you have completely missed the point. Did you ever finish high school? Because with English comprehension skills like that, I'm surprised you can even spell the word 'responding'. I was NOT saying that people can't have an opinion. What I WAS saying that a) Stop hijacking every damn...
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    Bah at you all!

    Another sad clown, totally missing the point. Maybe you people should learn how to read, or at least stop trying to pretend that appearing smart on the Internet actually makes you smart. Because then you look dumb when you obviously haven't been paying attention.
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    Bah at you all!

    Can't tell if trolling...
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    Bah at you all!

    This. Thank you.
  15. D

    Sending Symphony X money

    What about those of us in countries Symphony X haven't been to yet? :(
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    Bah at you all!

    Missed the point much? I am talking about people hijacking threads to whine about how they don't like the new album. We get it, you don't like the music. Doesn't mean you have to tell us how much you don't like it at every opportunity. It's the whining that goes on here which is the...
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    Lord - Of Sins and Shadows

    I see it differently, I see it as "The drummer in this song plays a totally KILLER fill, and if I were to play something else of my own inventing it would be totally lame and inadequate in comparison". Although, I don't apply this mentality to every song that I cover personally, but this is...
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    Bah at you all!

    Stop hijacking everyone's threads to whine about how you won't be buying the new album! Who are you to tell MJR and the others what they can and can't write? It's their band, not yours. Go cry elsewhere. If I posted about every single metal album I don't like then my post count would be...
  19. D

    Lord - Of Sins and Shadows

    Wander - because it's showing honour to the original writers and performers of the song. Saying "Hey, this song is really cool - look at the effort we put into duplicating it, we appreciate it that much."
  20. D

    Iconoclast Shipping in USA!

    I read on the pre-order website that they'll ship during the week of the 14th :) I'm in Australia, waiting on mine, hopefully it won't take long! I'll have my first ever band t-shirt