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    Favorte non-shredder....

    Chet Atkins
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    MJR's Guitar Specs

    I think his previous guitar, the esp, is alder body with a maple fretboard is it not? If so, the alder is a more trebled tight sound in my experience, and I think maple on the freboard gives of a brighter tone than say rosewood which is a daker tone. The mahogony I know has smooth mids, and has...
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    Damn really? Kiko is amazing, and if he really is an ass in real life, that really sucks. I love his playing completely tho, I need to get no gravity at some point. \m/
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    Happy Holidays w/picture of course

    Merry Christmas and holidays to you too. Those are some wicked piercings, and that's fuckin' awesome that you got to meet howard stern!
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    Chris groupie

    LOL. Awesome, nevermore rocks, and Jeff Loomis is a beast. \m/
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    Yngwie is still the man

    LOL. Yngwie acutally had kiss call him up to join. Here's the article.
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    Speaker Connection Question

    Ok, I figured it out now. I run the left side of the boogie with the left 8ohm marshall port, and the right side of the boogie with the right 8ohm marshall port, now everything works fine. \m/
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    Speaker Connection Question

    It seems to me that each 8ohm stereo port controls 2 speakers each, so the right one control 2x12, and the left controls the other 2x12, but the mono allows me to use all 4x12 of the cab. I had someone in another forum tell, me I have to use the other side of my power amp so the configuration...
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    What are we loving right now?

    At the moment mine would have to be Vai- Sex and Religion. \m/
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    Speaker Connection Question

    I'm using a marshall 1960 av cab, right now, and it has two ports 8ohms each when selected in stereo, and mono one of the ports is 4ohms and the other 16ohms. I noticed that when I use the stereo 8ohm port with my mesa boogie 2:fifty, one side seems to handle all the treble, and the other bass...
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    7string pickup question

    I'm pretty sure you are going to have to route it, I took my 727 to my guitar tech, and the dimarzio size is different than the carvin pup size. \m/
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    7string pickup question

    Well if you like JP's tone, then the dimarzio blaze in the bridge and air norton in the neck will get you close, on his music man model the bridge pup is like a blaze with lower output and more mids, and I think the neck is just a lower output air norton, however, in his ibanez 7's I think it...
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    The Official Band/Project/Whatever (yours or anyones) Promotion Thread

    Marcel Coenen's new album is comin out jan 27th, check it out. Here's the link to some tunes from the new album, \m/
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    Check this out---- Marcel Coenen- the colour journey

    Marcel's new album comes out jan. 27th, so check it out. BTW- here are the samples You fucking rock Marcel. :rock:
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    Marcel Coenen- Colour Journey

    Hey everyone, just a heads up, check out marcel's new cd coming out jan. 27th. Here's the link to listen to some of the tunes. :rock: BTW- Sorry for the double post, my computers been going crazy today.
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    Marcel Coenen- Colour Journey

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    How many people here are angra fans? I think these guyz are incredible I have temple of shadows and it rocks man. Kiko and Rafael's playing is really top notch. I love the rebirth dvd that came with it, simply amazing. :rock: :rock:
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    You released the fu!@*! fury!!!

    Check this out: mms:// ----- Good ol' Yngwie. :rock: :rock:
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    Birthday Marcel

    Happy birthday marcel, hope you have a great party dude. :rock: :rock:
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    September 11th 2005

    Very kool pics. I liked seeing the one of marcel with his boel 6 stringer. :rock: