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  1. Tarkus

    a Katagory V tee shirt story

    My T-shirt story: A couple of years back, I attended a christmas party thrown by the members of a local band called "The Street". We did the whole "white elephant gift" thing, so I wrapped up a Rising Anger shirt and also threw in a couple of condoms I had laying around, because if you wear a...
  2. Tarkus

    At Dustin's request, my poem about metal.

    This is to punctuate my return to metal by rejoining Katagory V. Ode to Metal While I'm very fond of Jazz, pop, and funk, There's one thing that's constant. I love me some chunk! From small child to teen - through orthodontic pain. Braces came - braces went, but my metal grin remained...
  3. Tarkus

    Bizzaro joins forces with Soultone Cymbals!

    Great news indeed. I was explaining to Dustin the other day that I hope I can get an endorsement with Watson **************s, because I'm tired of having to pay top dollar for vicodens. :goggly:
  4. Tarkus

    Former guitarist Marc Hanson back in Katagory V; Pre-production complete!

    Awww, Matt. You got me blushing! And Orb, I am very much still cursed! Muah ha ha ha! Marc Hanson
  5. Tarkus


    Ah! Dustin is having another metal barbecue? I better be invited! Those are a blast.
  6. Tarkus

    Katagory V announces new line up, writing for 5th album complete!

    Looking forward to hearing the new lineup. I think it's awesome you're carrying on, D-man! :rock:
  7. Tarkus

    Favorite Katagory V song

    Fading in is a great song. Al, does Dustin still do the 'Kip Winger' kick during the guitar solo?
  8. Tarkus

    Katagory V announce new guitarist and lead vocalist

    Congrats on finding some more than talented new members. Mike's an obvious choice and as far as skill goes, he plays rings around me. Very nice! Al, I remember you doing the metal karaoke in Atlanta, although the memory is a bit hazy (the drinks are stronger in Atlanta than in Utah) it seemed...
  9. Tarkus

    Katagory V in writing mode - new album 80% complete!

    End of the year? Come on man, lets try to push that forward a bit shall we? Btw. I'm rather alarmed at the picture of me at your myspace page...Do I need to hop in the Delorian and make my parents fall in love again? :)
  10. Tarkus

    Favorite Katagory V song

    I would like to throw in my 3 or so cents. In no particular order: 1. Elitist - I like the bluesy breakdown in the middle, it's unexpected, but it fits. 2 Will you remember - Because I ripped off Peter Lesperence (Harem Scarem) in the solo. 3. Workforce - I think it's one of the hookiest...
  11. Tarkus

    Katagory V photograhper has gone missing! EDIT: Now found!

    Good news!
  12. Tarkus

    Since I know there are a few locals here...

    I agree, Dustin. If I remember there was even a hardcore band called Zero Hour that was scheduled to play here. I about shit my pants because I thought it was the Tipton bros band.
  13. Tarkus

    Since I know there are a few locals here...

    That reminds me. Keep an eye out for my new band "Hammers of Ms. Fortune" - We just recorded a new album titled "Symphony X" on Slough Feg records. Call your radio station to request our new single "Green Carnation".
  14. Tarkus

    Katagory V photograhper has gone missing! EDIT: Now found!

    This is really terrible. Tom and Tamitha are great people and one of Katagory V's biggest supporters. He is also a huge support for local metal in general - I certainly hope they are found in good shape.
  15. Tarkus

    Vocalist Lynn Allers and guitarist Marc Hanson are out!

    I told Dustin I had to brew up a snarky response to the his post. Hopefully the tounge n cheese...cheek came across. I love those guys and will miss all of them..Especially YOU, Scarecrow!
  16. Tarkus

    Vocalist Lynn Allers and guitarist Marc Hanson are out!

    Why I quit the band... Here's a quote from Dustin from the forum. "Marc on the other hand, took a hasty exit after the Ronnyy show, which we saw comming months ago. A pity really, he's the nicest guy in the world, and one of the best players in Utah, he just want's to live...
  17. Tarkus

    My comments on the "Hymns..." CD release show

    Oh! Real nice...Did you have to point out to the world my fuck-up? I hate you!!! I try so hard to make you proud. Why won't you love me??? 'sobs and runs home':waah:
  18. Tarkus

    Pecan Enkrusted Salmon

    You know I've been thinking. Is it too late to title the new album "Pecan Encrusted Salmon"? I think has an ominous ring to it. Then I can tell people that "this is our heaviest, flakiest, most tender and delicious album to date!" Marc
  19. Tarkus

    KATAGORY V......

    I vote to retire mangina. You need a new schtick. Maybe we can staple your nuts to the wall or something? I'm open to any ideas.
  20. Tarkus

    Fountainhead help (band members here)

    Like I said, I was just hypothesizing. Sorry if it came across as speaking for them. At the same time, most of the Scandanavians that I have met are generally satisified with the quasi socialist system that is in place. Anyways, being a fan of Rand myself (and a capitalist to boot!), it's...