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  1. J

    Post your Death Tats

    go for it..its your body. If they don't like it, thats their problem.
  2. J

    Post your Death Tats

  3. J

    Post your Death Tats

    heres mine.
  4. J

    any of you heard of "Spiral Architect"?

    I cannot wait for the new Canvas album. Penumbra Diffuse seriously hasn't left my stereo in a year. Which coincidently, it was just realeased like a year ago around this time.
  5. J


    im not james, but Im gonna say a little theory never hurt anybody.. Belive me, if you learn it you will have a lot more control and freedom over your playing.
  6. J

    Paul Masvidal

    that was really cool.. a cynic reunion would be amazing
  7. J

    Happy Birthday James!

    Happy B-day !
  8. J

    voice of the soul live

    I wanna hear or better yet, see, Story to tell live....someone want to post a vid?
  9. J

    James, how are things coming?

    my bad. I got it reversed
  10. J

    James, how are things coming?

    I know he was working with a band called Still Remains...He sent me this sick cover they did of NIN's Hole Like a Head.
  11. J


    true....I enjoy is acoustic work on Return to Serenity on the live at the Fillmore as well.
  12. J

    Death Remasters James? Your opinion

    I have the new Sound of Persaverance....It came with the bonus dvd, Live in Cottubus...and has new pics and whatnot...pretty cool
  13. J


    indeed...DOTCK is one badass record
  14. J

    Rick Rozz and Bill Andrews

    chuck did release another album after TSOP...Its called The Fragile Art of Existence.
  15. J

    Death Remasters James? Your opinion

    Id like to hear when machine and man collide before a remastered death album.
  16. J

    tribute news?

    has anyone heard any news? I haven't for quite sometime, I thought they were looking to have it out by now.
  17. J

    JAMES RELATED - Shuldiner's Guitars

    yeah, if I remember correctly, the first song that even featured an acoustic was Destiny on Individule Thought Patterns....which was 93
  18. J

    JAMES RELATED - Shuldiner's Guitars

    Ive wondered that myself.. a little off topic though, I uploaded a death rehersal vid from the human days on you tube if anyones interested....just search for death rehersal vid or something....
  19. J


    I wanna replace my stock EMGS with an 81 and 85......but I need a better amp first, my crate is good for jamming, but in a band situation, it sucks... and recommendations for a decent, but affordable halfstack?
  20. J

    NAMM Jan 06!

    cool pics...thanks james!