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  1. 0bsolum

    Pyramaze - Disciples of the Sun

    Well this certainly came as a surprise. It's great to see that they managed to finish a new album. Also nice to see the official website got a long overdue facelift and update. It's a bit unfortunate that there was no "official announcement" from one of the guys here on the forum, but I guess...
  2. 0bsolum

    Any news?

    What? I thought Urban was the new singer? What happened? Did he grow tired of waiting, too? :p Another collaboration with Matt would be awesome but I don't see it happening. I hope he's busy writing new material for AoA :)
  3. 0bsolum

    Any news?

    Guys, I know you're all probably busy with your lives and everything, but the last news entry on the official website reads "27.11.2011 - Pyramaze announce new lineup and commence recording new album"... that's nearly 3 years old. Surely there's some news to give us? I don't know if there are...
  4. 0bsolum

    What are you listening to today?

    Hmm, I like the video more than I like the song. Lyrics and vocals are very "meh" to me. I'm gonna see them here in January, will see how it comes across live. I liked their previous album beter live than I did on CD as well...
  5. 0bsolum

    Pyramaze FB page

    I hate FB with a passion. I've never used it and never will.
  6. 0bsolum

    Matt Barlow's new band

    Well, I think Jon is a difficult man to work with, to say the least :) Where'd you find that song? You'd think they would put that stuff up on their website. It's not bad but nothing great, either. If it was anyone else on vocals I wouldn't care for it. I'll probably still buy their album...
  7. 0bsolum

    Matt Barlow's new band

    ASHES OF ARES So, this got me thinking... Back in 2003 or thereabouts, Matt says he's leaving Iced Earth to pursue a career in law enforcement, right? Then, in 2007 or so Pyramaze asks him if he wants to sing on their new album, and he says yes. Jon hears that Matt is back into the music...
  8. 0bsolum


    Yeah, on the EP it was obvious he was trying to copy Barlow. Which I didn't mind at the time as I was a huge Iced Earth fan. But I agree that on Veil he had matured and was developing his own style, although it is still very reminiscent of Barlow at times, but also very different at other...
  9. 0bsolum


    Same here. Robb said a couple weeks ago that he has new (unfinished) Winterfell material that he would like to finish at some point. So that's good news. Thing is, it's probably not gonna happen quite some time to come due to him being busy with other stuff. And of course, him not having any...
  10. 0bsolum


    And as long as I'm here recommending bands I might as well mention these guys. Beware, this is a long way off from Pyramaze's sound and not my usual taste but these guys really rock things up. Some of you may remember Blistered Earth, who put out one full-length album that played thrash metal...
  11. 0bsolum


    Ya know, I'm a bit surprised that this band hasn't been mentioned here on this forum 'cause I know there's at least one dude from the old Winterfell forums here (I'm looking at you, Iced_Dog), and I'd think you'd know that while Robb has put Winterfell on a hiatus (whether or not it's a...
  12. 0bsolum would like to welcome Cage!

    Holy shit, why didn't I know there was a CAGE forum at UM? Is this even advertised anywhere on the official site? An CAGE forum has been sorely lacking. Too bad there doesn't seem to be much activity here...
  13. 0bsolum

    Iced Earth - Dystopia

    6 songs into the first listen of this album now and I have to agree with Iced Dog. I'm definitely not feeling this album. It's all very very "meh". It's not Stu's voice, I don't think I would have liked it much better with Matt on vocals. Oh well, hopefully they'll play a lot of older stuff...
  14. 0bsolum

    Iced Earth - Dystopia

    Gonna see 'em next Thursday, curious to hear how Stu will bring the older material. I'm actually quite confident that he'll do a good job on it. I caught them this summer with Barlow on tour and that was an awesome show, Matt absolutely nailed it from beginning to end. So yeah, it'll be...
  15. 0bsolum

    Iced Earth - Dystopia

    I don't understand Jon going on about how they couldn't do Dante's Inferno live in the past. They did it on AiA, and it sounded fine. Or am I missing something?
  16. 0bsolum

    LOTBC Jap Bonus

    Hehe no, but back when LOTBC was released this track was posted on some band forum or other I was on at the time. I think it may have been Iced Dog who posted it, too. It's a properly ripped mp3 from the Japanese edition. So obviously I grabbed it :p I've had it sitting on my computer ever...
  17. 0bsolum

    LOTBC Jap Bonus

    You call yourselves Pyramaze fans yet you'd never heard this track before? You disgust me... ;)
  18. 0bsolum

    Google+ Invites

    I'm guessing anyone who wanted one already got one, and those who don't know what Google+ is will probably not be interested in getting one but anyways... if anyone wants one, gimme a shout :muahaha:
  19. 0bsolum

    Matt Barlow Retires from Iced Earth

    Great. I already bought a ticket for their show here in November to check the new guy out, but wanted to catch them with Barlow as well. Thanks for the answer.
  20. 0bsolum

    Matt Barlow Retires from Iced Earth

    Okay, so going by Matt's statement... ... I figured he will still be performing at the Metal Meeting festival here in Belgium at the end of this month. Annoyed that I never got to see them live with Barlow (bought a ticket for a show of theirs before TGB came out, but it got cancelled and...