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    Xenocide zine editor's new literary zine

    Mundanist avant-garde mockery of modern society, an absurdism wrapped around logic but based in an aesthetic disdain. The "Weird, Paranoid, Insane" issue: fact and fiction by Grant Bailie, Keith Buckley, Tony Byrer, Joshua Citrak, Kurt Eisenlohr, Rebel Star Hobson, Stephen Huffman, Jon...
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    Textual Criticism and the Bible

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    The Divine Command Theory

    Materialism and dualism are kind of one and the same, if you think about it for awhile.
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    Death to all Christians now

    All they do is fuck up: * Start useless wars * Kill pagans * Stop drugs and sex * Bad TV Exterminate the brutes, I say. http://www.**********.com/
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    The Divine Command Theory

    What created God? Either God created himself, and therefore has no need for divine commands, or something created God, and we should listen to that instead.
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    The Question Concerning "Growth"

    "Growth" seems to be one of those things assumed to be good by the nature of it being in the present tense, and not yet apocalyptic, like "progress."
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    Textual Criticism and the Bible

    The Jewish Messiah... seems like he was a very dramatic person.
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    Man's innate humanity worthy of respect...

    Humanity should be a means to an end, not an end... religion provides a map for the interconnectedness of ideas.
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    Interview with a transcendentalist Nazi

    Yes, and each one would have different consequences. I can posit a civilization based upon anal sex, but it's likely it will miss out on some things and overindulge in some others.
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    Interview with a transcendentalist Nazi

    Interview with Craig Smith, LNSG ( The Libertarian National Socialist Green party has a broad and coherent platform worthy of close survey. Yet it also uses historical references that may make one frown. To unearth the wells of its ideology, these questions were fired at the...
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    The Black Metal Phenomenon: A Reasonable Approach

    I think his argument was that he agreed with Prozak, and then Ojeblikket had a panty-drop and got butthurt that anyone might do that, and then tried to debunk him by saying "butt wikipedia says so!!1!" That's the point here.
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    Self-defeating arguments...

    The old "if i misuse language, does it discredit language" -- nigga, please.
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    Self-defeating arguments...

    The old "if i misuse language, does it discredit language" -- nigga, please.
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    The Black Metal Phenomenon: A Reasonable Approach

    You've been an ANUS-hater forever, though. You'd hate anything they/he do, and you'll always use that as your guide instead of honest judgment about what they do. Why don't you just admit you're motivated by hatred because Prozak owned you on the forums a few years ago, and get the fuck over it?!?
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    The Black Metal Phenomenon: A Reasonable Approach

    Black metal and death metal came from the same handful of bands, Hellhamer, Bathory, Sodom, Sepultura, Possessed, Necrovore, Slayer... the wikipedia definition tries to make black metal out to be rock, which only makes sense if your definition of black metal is limited to Dimmu Borgir albums...
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    Can Humans Live in Peace?

    If we don't die, we can exist without mortality, in other words.
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    The Fall of the American Empire

    So the world exists in a duality of altruism/individualism? Nigga please There are other paths, because those are just polar extremes.
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    The Black Metal Phenomenon: A Reasonable Approach

    Better in what way: Production? Yes, certainly. Witty titles? Of course. Musical ability? Without doubt. Artistic content? I said Artistic content? No, not that, at all.