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  1. PhlegethonVeins

    Grand Life Appreciation Thread

    Prepping for surgery at the end of the month and a trip to Chicago early next month. They're going to tear open my skull and remove a bunch of fleshy tissue that's been invasively growing in my sinuses. Yum yum yum.
  2. PhlegethonVeins

    Now playing thread

    Recording of me snoring.
  3. PhlegethonVeins

    stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

  4. PhlegethonVeins

    stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

    Well, life is weird.
  5. PhlegethonVeins

    Now playing thread

    Sear Bliss - Seven Springs
  6. PhlegethonVeins

    stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

    So there's a new album or some shit?
  7. PhlegethonVeins

    Highlights of the year - 2017 edition

    What is music?
  8. PhlegethonVeins

    The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

    Aye that was you then. I was the douche with wearing red plaid and a white Cough shirt. First time I made it down to Reggie's for a show, was pleased.
  9. PhlegethonVeins

    The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

    Were you outside the doors in the last quarter of their set? I saw a face that looked vaguely 'internet familiar' as I was leaving, but didn't say anything because I assumed I was just plastered. I had a blast during Blood Incantation's set.
  10. PhlegethonVeins

    What are you doing right nao?

  11. PhlegethonVeins

    stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

  12. PhlegethonVeins

    Mid-year highlights, the 2017 edition

    I have mixed feelings on the new Dodecahedron, not sure where I sit with it yet, but I know that the new Emptiness album is being filed under biggest disappointments come the end of the year here.
  13. PhlegethonVeins

    Mid-year highlights, the 2017 edition

    We live in a weird world when a bass player is offering up the best.
  14. PhlegethonVeins

    The Great Depression/Butthurt thread

    Every time I feel depressed about my life I just come here to see what the Polish guy has posted most recently. Better than therapy.
  15. PhlegethonVeins

    Now playing thread

    Really hope it grows on me, we shall see. Album came out of left field, I thought they were all but disbanded. Great new album off Flenser records, SUCCUMB with their self titled, you folks should check it out if you'r into blacked death with some sludge mixed in. It's disgustng.
  16. PhlegethonVeins

    Sleepwalkers - Purgatory Rain Lyric Video

    Takes me back to the doom / death scene of the early 2000's. Sounds so happyy.
  17. PhlegethonVeins

    Now playing thread

    My Life With The Thrill Kill kult - Mondo Fever
  18. PhlegethonVeins

    Now playing thread

    Dead Congregation- From a Wretched Womb
  19. PhlegethonVeins

    Now playing thread

    Tod Huethe UEbel- Ní