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  1. Firen

    Scythes Of reopened

    Ah man, such memories visiting that site back in the day. Also, my bad for resurrecting this yet again. :)
  2. Firen

    IneartheD - Vision of Eternal Sorrow Tabs

    Since the former members have been rather active in releasing merch and commerative material, would love for them to music from this era of the band.
  3. Firen

    Sinergy removed from Spotify. Anyone still have mp3s?

    Maybe I should've just posted it here:
  4. Firen

    Sinergy is now on all streaming services (Spotify, Apple Music, Pandora etc)

    While not directly Bodom related, thought it was worth letting y'all know Sinergy is now available on streaming services again.
  5. Firen

    Live Videos Thread

    Really love that this community still exits and truly enjoying re-visiting these gems. Even though that it makes me more bummed that I’ll never see this live again, glad this forum lives on. Hope it doesn’t get shutdown.
  6. Firen

    Alexi passed away

    Fuck :(
  7. Firen

    Alexi passed away

    Fuuuck man.
  8. Firen

    Jaska, Janne and Henkka are leaving the band!!!!!

    :( One of my all time favorite bands. Massive massive bummer! Happy I got to meet them during Hexed tour but still really sad at the outcome.
  9. Firen

    NEW ALBUM Q42 017/Q1 2018

    Still working my way through the album but I fucking loved Hexed and Relapse!
  10. Firen

    NEW ALBUM Q42 017/Q1 2018

  11. Firen

    NEW ALBUM Q42 017/Q1 2018

    After many listens I gotta say I'm overall enjoying the song. Not in love with the overall structure of the song, found the keyboard solo to be not that exciting and really thought that around the 2:30 mark after they Janne's solo I was gonna hear some guitar solo. Sounds like it's missing...
  12. Firen

    NEW ALBUM Q42 017/Q1 2018

    An overall solid song with some fun riffs, probably the best of all of the released singles but where's the guitar solo? Maybe I missed it.
  13. Firen

    NEW ALBUM Q42 017/Q1 2018

    While my initial impression was not great after a 4 or 5 listens it started to grow on me. Overall I like this track but I agree with the general sentiment. It's not necessarily one of their weaker songs, feels like it would fit in Halo Of Blood. One thing that bothered me was that something...
  14. Firen

    COB Meet and Greet/VIP

    I was wondering if anyone has ever done a Meet and Greet or purchased the VIP experiences on one of their tours before. I've never purchased one for any show before but I am considering it for the Hexed tour. Mainly because I've seen them like 20 times already haha. Anyways I would love to...
  15. Firen

    "I Worship Chaos" Discussion Thread

    I really hated I Worship Chaos when it was posted by users. The audio quality was bad, made the whole song sound like a chaotic fuzzy mess. After listening to the official post, it sounds somewhat better but I still don't like it. That riff is sorta cool but they do nothing with it. This sounds...
  16. Firen

    New Chidren of Bodhom Fan

    I respect your opinion but it is factually incorrect ;) Warheart, Black Widow, Hatebreeder are wonderful songs.
  17. Firen

    Halo Of Blood Over North America 2014

    Gonna see them tonight...would've love to hear Black Widow, Hatebreeder, Warheart, Kissing The Shadows, Deadnight Warrior, In The Shadows (a stretch I know), red light in my eyes (loolol, this will never happen), bed of razors, triple corpse hammerblow, Children Of Bodom(!!!!!)...ahhh sooo many...
  18. Firen

    COB start writing new album

    I blame Spotify :(
  19. Firen

    COB start writing new album

    Side note : I find Broderick incredibly boring to watch live for some reason...he just seems so rigid compared to Marty. That being said, you're right that he is a technical beast.
  20. Firen

    COB start writing new album

    Let's give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he meant the recent material from those three bands have been utter crap. I think Laiho has Friedman's talent in terms of pure ability but Friedman was just more creative and interesting in his work back in the day. Recent Friedman...