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  1. GONE Ridin' Hood

    the USA thread -

    Well, I don't believe it was a failure, there were lots of replies, it had like 4 or 5 pages if I'm not mistaken. That's a lot considering how "active" the forum is nowadays. The last part is called sarcasm, but I guess you're too stupid to understand that. There's no point in having this...
  2. GONE Ridin' Hood

    the USA thread -

    Right, now that was totally unnecessary. I reckon you are not a very smart person since you go and insult everyone for no reason. And you do so in a very lousy way to be honest :lol: . Cheers!
  3. GONE Ridin' Hood

    the "translate please" thread

    Ok you're welcome :) . Yeah I was basically guessing, it's been years since I studied Latin :p. Dark_Silence's one seems better :kickass: .
  4. GONE Ridin' Hood

    the USA thread -

    I made a thread about this (Stop global warming thread or something), check it out :) . I just read the article of Bush's new budget proposal. Pretty hilarious IMO :lol: . Poor Yankees, the only thing that they need nowadays is another Republican president :lol: .
  5. GONE Ridin' Hood


    ^ Was it good? :) I saw Michael Clayton today, amazing movie :kickass: .
  6. GONE Ridin' Hood

    the "translate please" thread

    Vos erant oppignero. I'm just making a quick guess here :p, and yes "oppignero" is "to pawn."
  7. GONE Ridin' Hood


    ^ Hahaha ok that guy's great :lol: . My dad's from London, so you can imagine what I have to put up with :lol: . J/k, he's not that much like people from London, but still, the dark side is always there :p . It's funny because London is an awesome city, really cool, but the people, :yuk: ...
  8. GONE Ridin' Hood


    I guess it depends on your taste, if you like cold weather go to Norway, if not then 'tis The Netherlands (TN) 9although the way the climate is it'll be underwater soon... :mad: :erk: ). I was more time in Norway than in TN, I was only in the latter for 2 days, in Amsterdam and Tilburg. I went...
  9. GONE Ridin' Hood


    Yeah, Norge is awesome. One of my fave places of all Europe, probably only topped by Brussels and Basel :rock: . Norge is great because IMO it has a perfect balance between technology and nature, and I am a nature-fanboy and a tech-freak so I felt really, really good when I was there :Spin:
  10. GONE Ridin' Hood


    I totally agree! Damn. i spent like half of my time in Oslo in that damn shop! :Smug: And I didn't even check out the shirts... :Smug: . Yeah I believe it's within walking distance, it'll be like a 45min walk I reckon. I'm sure you'll go see the Viking museum, it's really cool. The best thing...
  11. GONE Ridin' Hood


    Ok, I'm glad I helped! :) Anyway, it's not that far from the City Centre. The bus took like 15 min I reckon, and I only took it because it was winter and it was dark by 17 :rolleyes: . Since you're going in Sommer and there'll be light till around 23, it'd be nice to walk and see the scenery...
  12. GONE Ridin' Hood


    No problem :). I really recommend visiting the Nesebled (Nosebleed :p) store, it's basically bloody amazing...and they have 2 stores now! :rock: Really, the amount of (mostly used) items is incredible, check their page! I gave the guy an Iron Maiden...
  13. GONE Ridin' Hood


    I've been to Oslo :) . That was a very nice hostel, met a couple of metal-heads actually. Opeth fanboys :p . And I also met this cool guy called Knut. I was happy because he was happy because I pronounced his name correctly :lol: :p ...
  14. GONE Ridin' Hood

    Solefald - The Circular Drain

    Borknagar's drummer likes to play with people's minds :goggly: :hypno: :p . If you don't want any of those cassettes I'd gladly have one, please :) .
  15. GONE Ridin' Hood


    My bad, I already edited the post. I mean to say I was sorry that you didn't like it, it's a pity; especially when it's an album of one of your favourite bands :mad: :erk: . I made the post at around 1:35, so I wasn't seeing very clearly :rolleyes: :p. Hello Mr.Cthulhu :) .
  16. GONE Ridin' Hood

    Solefald - The Circular Drain

    ^ Thanks, I'm glad you liked the review :kickass: . Do tell your friends about the page will you? I guess you and a some of your friends speak Spanish? :p I like your way of thinking :) . I must admit I got a bit carried away with these elections; I'm so excited that Bush's administration is...
  17. GONE Ridin' Hood

    limited edition digipaks.

    ^ Oh yeah I have that one, but I guess it doesn't count since it's the same as the European/German digi, only uglier :ill: .
  18. GONE Ridin' Hood


    I agree 100% with this post, I loved Origin (a bit short but oh well...) and it's certainly a matter of opinion. I'm sorry you didn't like it Mr./Mr.s Cthulhu. And thank you for posting those Funeral-doom, I love it but haven't really heard much because I've no time, basically :Smug:. Too many...
  19. GONE Ridin' Hood

    The "Norwegian" thread

    We speak Spanish here in CR :) . Well, we CRns have a peculiar way of speaking, just as the rest of Latin-American countries. We all have our own "singing" to each region. For example, Colombians speak a lot different than how we CRns speak. The funny thing is that you never notice your own...
  20. GONE Ridin' Hood

    the USA thread -

    I agree with this, I like Obama too but I remember that the 1st thing he said was that he supported the invasion and stuff. Hillary is no different either, they're all a bunch of corrupt bastards as all politics are, but I hope Hillary wins, IMO she's the "better worse" you know?