Search results

  1. Fragle

    Massive studio upgrade - looking for 2ch preamp suggestions

    Thanks for the replies! After a brief visit to Thomann (that's the luxury of living only 15min away from their HQ ^^), I've narrowed it down to the following options: - Fredenstein F200 - sounded really good in their demo room & comes with 2x 1176-style compressors - GAP73 - WA12a I think I'm...
  2. Fragle

    Massive studio upgrade - looking for 2ch preamp suggestions

    Hello everyone, long time user here, albeit very inactive for the last couple of years... After using pretty much the same equipment for the last 5-10yrs (except for guitars/basses/amps, the addiction is strong here :D ), I'm in the middle of a massive studio upgrade. I am mainly using my...
  3. Fragle

    Calculate + graph your tuning vs string gauges with this website

    12-56 for D standard's a 24.75 scale gtr though ;)
  4. Fragle

    Pointers for surviving as a career Audio Engineer

    I guess you didn't get my point. It's either more money, but a worse product, or less money but a better product, giving you a better sounding reference you can use to gather new clients. Aside from that, your rates shouldn't depend too much on the solvency of your clients anyways. Imho it's...
  5. Fragle

    Which version of cubase do you use?

    tbh, 48 audio tracks isn't anywhere close to enough as far as i'm concerned....
  6. Fragle

    Pointers for surviving as a career Audio Engineer

    That's quite a generalisation. While I agree with the underlying business logic "higher rates = fewer clients", I really don't think that the amount of money available necessarily correlates with higher levels of dedication. Just think of that one local band that really has it's shit...
  7. Fragle

    External preamps and interfaces

    Imho you can't go wrong with an RME, whether it's the Fireface or whatever.... I've been using a FF400 for 6 years now, and I haven't experienced one single issue yet. 100% stable, great converters, decent preamps.
  8. Fragle

    Gibson 2015 prices!

    This. Especially since they're targeting the lower/mid part of the price spectrum with Epiphone. Their pricing policy simply reflects their marketing decisions, and by that logic is perfectly reasonable. Think about it, anyone who is able to spend 4k on a guitar without having to worry about...
  9. Fragle

    New Bloodbath, Track premiere.

    Song/Riffage/Production sounds good, but holy shit, vocals are godawful... Tägtgren fit them best imho, but that's not a fair comparison if you ask me ^^
  10. Fragle

    Touring rigs - Share that shit

    Just my Kemper rack straight into the FoH system, and an EH 44 Magnum to get better on stage monitoring (if neccessary). Sansamp PSA1 or BDDI -> PA for bass. Tbh, sometimes i do miss the punch and sheer air pressure of my old tube rig, but the benefits (namely small size, less shit to carry...
  11. Fragle

    malaysian flight crash

    +1 There's a lot misinformation and propaganda going on - on all sides. Imho the most important thing we (=the regular people) can do is stay calm and make 100% sure to our authorities that we will NOT support war. It's been 100 years since WW I and it seems like some people still haven't...
  12. Fragle

    Is anyone here into Cryptocurrency?

    There are quite a few people who made a lot of money by buying bitcoins early when they were dirt cheap....
  13. Fragle

    Sinister's guitar sound on their last two albums?

    I guess he's running the Triaxis rack through the FX return of whatever amp there is available. No need to carry around a 30kg+ rack with a tube poweramp, especially when going by plane. Btw, those dudes are killer players, and Joe has a great guitar tone. He also seems to be a good mixing...
  14. Fragle

    Sinister's guitar sound on their last two albums?

    Somehow i also thought Joe's mainly a Triaxis user? I think i never read Marshall and Joe/Psycroptic in the same sentence tbh..../thread hijack
  15. Fragle

    Live Lead Tone Advice

    I'd put an EQ (Boss GE7, MXR 108 or similar) in the FX loop, add some mids and turn up the EQ volume.
  16. Fragle

    Live Bass Tone

    Sansamp BDDI straight into the PA. There might be other/better options, but imho you can't go wrong with that pedal.
  17. Fragle

    Desert Island commercial PlugIns?

    Title says it someone who tends to work mostly with freeware plugins I'm curious what you guys would consider your top 3 commercial plugins (whether it's some waves bundle or just a 10€ independent developer product) that you just can't live without anymore? Comps, FX, Drum Software...
  18. Fragle

    French mother banned from entering the USA because of her name

    you'll probably end up on the no-fly list just because of that statement alone :D
  19. Fragle

    Short Kemper question

    Alright, so I checked out the Stereo Widener and got some pretty cool results. I'll definitely check it out next rehearsal. However, I noticed that the left/right signals sound vastly different (well, after all that's exactly what the plugin is doing, so DUH :D ), which is cool for me, but I'm...
  20. Fragle

    Short Kemper question

    Thanks for the stereo widener tip, totally forgot about that one....will check it out tonight! Is there any way to hard pan a signal when using the Kemper in stereo? The idea is to have a main rhythm patch in stereo, and two other patches that are left/right only. Basically, what i'm trying to...