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  1. Craig fae Glasgow

    New Cellador Material up on Reverbnation!

    Oh man, finally! I had given up all hope. Was a bit disappointed Mindtraveller didn't turn out to be a Falconer cover but hey, great original song suits me even better :) From the sounds of this they might only need a second guitarist and bass player, Chris's vocals sound really strong.
  2. Craig fae Glasgow

    Glasgow last night

    Well I must say it was a joy to finally see Intense onstage last night after a few near misses over the last couple of years. Although I'm only familiar with the Second Sight album the show was great. If I'd been less skint As Our Army Grows and/or Dark Season would have been added to the...
  3. Craig fae Glasgow

    Bill Hudson quits Cellador

    Oh well, at least he managed to use his time in the band to build a reputation and an extensive network of contacts. :rolleyes:
  4. Craig fae Glasgow

    CELLADOR announces new drummer.

    Glad the band are a 5-piece again, with any luck this line-up will be a steady one. Hopefully the drums on the second album will sound less artificial.
  5. Craig fae Glasgow

    Old Forum members

    Me too. Wow. I've come back to find the internet an alien place. I think I saw a comment by you on Syth's myspace recently koich? I was at that gig too. How shite were the hardcore band that covered I want out?
  6. Craig fae Glasgow

    Favorite Firewind Album?

    Burning Earth. What I love about Apollo's live performance is the justice he does to the songs that featured the other 2 singers (ok, he struggles with with the chorus for Between Heaven & Hell a wee bit...). but Stephen remains my favourite.
  7. Craig fae Glasgow


    London show was great! Good mix of songs, but only one off of Forged by Fire which was slightly disappoiniting. But they played Destination Forever...brilliant and unexpected. A big "fuck you" to the wee fanny in the shirt and tie that annihilated Bob's keyboard. Imagine if he'd done in during...
  8. Craig fae Glasgow

    Special message from Gus about the PPUSA appearance

    God, I'd kill 7 babies to see this. Stephen remains my favourite Firewind vocalist.
  9. Craig fae Glasgow

    Mark Cross

    I spoke to Mark for a few minutes at the Glasgow gig in January. Very nice guy, chatted away about a few things for a bit. Great drummer too. Probably not as good as Stian, though.
  10. Craig fae Glasgow


    My vote: no keys. At least not a full-time keyboard player.
  11. Craig fae Glasgow

    :goggly: anybody here?

    Today we had hail then snow then rain then sun then snow again and now just a general aura of misery all being swept along by fuck-off fast wind.
  12. Craig fae Glasgow

    Cellador being compared to Dragonforce

    Magnus was too good for HammerFall, really. I like them and all but he's an amazing bass player that only gets to play the most simplistic of stuff and no contribution to the songwriting. NESS I <3 u rly
  13. Craig fae Glasgow

    Cellador being compared to Dragonforce

    Yeah but he doesn't sound anything like Bruce. Again: - Mike/Falsetto, Bruce/No falsetto.
  14. Craig fae Glasgow

    Cellador being compared to Dragonforce

    If Priest were anywhere close to being as consistent as Maiden they could be maybe have ened up better.
  15. Craig fae Glasgow

    Cellador being compared to Dragonforce

    Yeah the last I checked Maiden didn't use double bass drumming or falsetto vocals. Or play hella fast.
  16. Craig fae Glasgow

    Old Forum members

    Did he heck. :lol: When The Poodles and Krokus were playing it was just a regular kit, then after they had cleared off the roadies pimped it out with a full array of telescopic toms (only for use in silly drum solo) and two extra bass drums. Showmanship. :goggly:
  17. Craig fae Glasgow

    Old Forum members

    ZMOG Craig on an intarnet! I haven't been here in a while because of my new job and suddenly worryingly demanding social life. I ended up getting a lift in off my mate right to the venue for HammerFall - what did you make of it koich? I was surprised how great they were. Didn't play too many new...
  18. Craig fae Glasgow

    Old Forum members

    Yeah I can go for some pre-gig beer if my work rota allows for it. Conditions: -you're not a psycho killer -you have to accept my friends will most likely think we're myspace buttbuddies So where do you drink in Glasgow anyway? I don't think I've ever seen your avatr from the Old Forum...
  19. Craig fae Glasgow

    Old Forum members

    Ha, I think it just means joint headliners unfortunately. Looks like I need to miss the Syth gig too - I'm pretty sure the Rangers - Hapoel Tel Aviv return leg is the same night. Damn schedulings!
  20. Craig fae Glasgow

    Old Forum members

    You seen Syth before? If not you're missing out.