Search results

  1. Salvatore

    Experiment Fear - Target Earth

    In anyone in interested here is a link to Target Earth, who are some of the guys from Experiment Fear or at least one of those guys. I think they are pretty cool, going to see them next Friday.:rock:
  2. Salvatore

    Dimarzio pickup wiring question

    Hi I need help So I figure with all the know how and brain power here you would be the dudes to ask. I have actually learned more from this forum than any owners manual or instructional video could ever offer, so thanks. Heres my problem, I have fixed up my friends old ass USA made Dean baby...
  3. Salvatore

    Kvlt Wrench made it on ebaums world

    Hi I dont post here much but Was just on ebaumsworld and noticed a pic, For some reason the gal looked familiar but I didnt know why. Then I remembered she was from here. Check it out. Image #9 Sal :rock:
  4. Salvatore


    What happened to her?
  5. Salvatore

    Chuck Schuldiner Tribute Stealth !!!!!! :rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock:
  6. Salvatore

    Re: lationships

  7. Salvatore

    I no longer care about TV

    You replied just before I posted, so had to clarify. Beauty is only skin deep, at least thats what ugly people say. Best show ever is Carl Sagan's Cosmos.
  8. Salvatore

    I no longer care about TV

    +1 kari how did you end up on the phone with Jamie?
  9. Salvatore

    West Coasters, reserve your spot for the Museum of Natural History

    Totally worth the effort if you can see them. Saw them a year ago or so and they blew my fucking mind!
  10. Salvatore

    Jeff Loomis Recordings 1988-1990

    Lost in the Ruins is not on there, its the best Experiment Fear song! or at least my favorate. track list
  11. Salvatore

    Britney Rant...insane.

    Actually I agree with her. For the love of god leave Britney alone. I would like to watch worthwhile news on important matters without Britney being mentioned for 5 minutes, like this new OJ thing. :goggly:
  12. Salvatore

    The Project Hate MCMXCIX

    BIG HORNS UP TO WHOEVER MENTIONED THESE GUYS BEFORE. I Downloaded their free song and it kicks my ass! Need to get complete CD. :rock:
  13. Salvatore

    Steves site down

    Just noticed his site is down. ?
  14. Salvatore


    Don't you mean Should be a sticky :lol:
  15. Salvatore

    Holy shit whoring!

    Get a new drummer. If you are the drummer please find a different hobby.
  16. Salvatore

    Guitarist STEVE SMYTH Parts Ways With NEVERMORE - Aug. 30, 2007

    Is Loomis just mean to all the guitarist that join the band or something ? This is guitar player number ? to leave the band? Just seems weird.
  17. Salvatore

  18. Salvatore

    Day Job?

    This is a stupid question but Does Steve have another job besides being a professional musician? We all have bills to pay and I was just wondering if Being in Nevermore and his online school are enough to do it. Or does he have a different color Ferrari for every day of the week and lights...
  19. Salvatore

    Something you don't see every day!

  20. Salvatore

    Something you don't see every day!

    Sorry I'm not smart enough to figure out how to post the pic here. Anyway its a pic of some rather attractive gal wearing a death shirt playin a jackson rr.