Search results

  1. The Winnipeg Warrior

    Last movie you've watched

    I saw The Pursuit of Happyness on New Year's Day. Will Smith was was his son. This guy has come a long way from the Fresh Prince of Bel Air. Very versatile actor he's become.
  2. The Winnipeg Warrior


    You shouldn't spend so much of your time trying to over-think, over-analyze, and micro-manage the statements within my post. Take it at face is what it is. It's wasted energy, my friend. The sooner we embrace the differences of our fellow man and participate in the 'human...
  3. The Winnipeg Warrior


    Immigration here in Canada has pretty much shaped and formed our Liberalized power structure and governing policies. Since we've become such a melting pot.....true right-wing Conservatism has little chance of gaining a foot-hold unless they shift their position to moderate or right-of-centre...
  4. The Winnipeg Warrior

    Casino Royale.

    I saw this film a few weeks back. The plot was quite refreshing, as you can only go so far in the direction that they were heading previously with Pierce Brosnan. But for what it was, I took it as a strong film. Gone are the days of the Cold War when the series essentially began. Much like how...
  5. The Winnipeg Warrior

    Stephen Hawking @ Yahoo! Answers

    Thank you. My work schedule doesn't allow me much time anymore. But I particpate when I can.
  6. The Winnipeg Warrior

    Stephen Hawking @ Yahoo! Answers

    Has anyone here read his latest question posed to Yahoo! Answers? How can the human race survive the next hundred years? "In a world that is in chaos politically, socially and environmentally, how can the human race sustain another 100 years?"...
  7. The Winnipeg Warrior

    smoking laws

    Then I'll pose the ultimate question: Why does one drink, smoke or take drugs? What is the desired purpose or goal of these substances.....other than an effective coping tool. To either relieve stress and tension.....or to loosen one's inhibitions. Surely it cannot be for health reasons. One...
  8. The Winnipeg Warrior

    smoking laws

    The reason I don't smoke....or drink much for that that I don't want anything artificial getting in my way. I'm pretty straight-edged, and I can live my life and succed on my own terms. I can rock out and have fun without being attached to smokes or booze. Not everyone can do that...
  9. The Winnipeg Warrior

    Judas Tribute Band: (Faithful Defenders)

    Group Members (from left to right) Mick Fallacaro/Bass guitars..........Eric Popowich/Rhythm Guitars..........Jim Gleason/Drums and Gongs..........Mike Berentsen/Lead Vocals..........Phil Ewing/Lead and Rhythm Guitars, backing vocals.
  10. The Winnipeg Warrior

    Judas Tribute Band: (Faithful Defenders)

    Check this out. Some of the members of Judas got together in Buffalo a few weeks ago to record some Priest tunes. The lead singer flew in from Las Vegas for a few days, and one of the guitarists came in from the Pittsburgh area. The tracks were uploaded yesterday (15APR06) on Acid...
  11. The Winnipeg Warrior

    Moderation & Board Issues

    Interesting post. However, when that 120-point serf has the inclination, determination, and fortitude to develop and run a multi-million dollar business.....and the 150-point aristocrat is still in their 'learning phase', waiting for their 'big-break' out in academia.....I'll gladly take the...
  12. The Winnipeg Warrior

    QUEEN: Should they have called it a day?

    IMO, when Freddy Mercury died of AIDS in 1991.....and his Tribute Concert was performed the following year.....that should have been it for the band. One of the greatest bands in history were short one founding member. And like the Who's Keith Moon, Led Zeppelin's John Bonham, and Thin Lizzy's...
  13. The Winnipeg Warrior

    Favourie movies

    I also wanted to add that I am a big fan of the classic Hammer Studio films.....starring some of giants of stage and screen like Christopher Lee, Peter Cushing, Boris Kharloff, Lon Chaney, and Bela Legosi. Many of the images that I saw back in the 1970's as a youth still resonate with me today...
  14. The Winnipeg Warrior

    Favourie movies

    Did someone mention Blade Runner? (LOL) I first saw that movie on Pay Per View back in 1983. The atmospheric qualities were electric.....which I believe made it the classic that it is. I agree with Final Product. I am a fan of cinema in general, and find my tastes very broad-based...
  15. The Winnipeg Warrior

    How much do you fucking hate The Beatles?

    The prudent thing would be to just all agree to disagree and move on. It's a different world today, and the kid's don't understand the world of yesterday. It's that simple. The more we perpetuate this 'who's more reverant' discussion, the more the blood pressure elevates itself. Why allow it to...
  16. The Winnipeg Warrior

    Moderation & Board Issues

    Unfortunately, I can name far too many good people that have strong academic credentials from prominent institutions.....that will never achieve any semblance of financial or personal success. Theoretical understanding does not equal practical experience. Simply stated, you may be able to...
  17. The Winnipeg Warrior

    smoking laws

    Cool. But when that does happen, don't expect any Doctor or paid Health program to treat you or keep you alive. Certainly not with my hard-earned tax dollars. Kill yourself if you want, but just don't ask for the health care system to help you. :)
  18. The Winnipeg Warrior

    Signs of the Zodiac

    What's your Astrological sign, and do you believe in your Horoscope? I'm an Aries (April 14th).....and I am an Aries in every sense of the word. Although I may not read my daily Horoscope, my personality follows me around wherever I go. It's like a shadow.....and you can't out-run your true...
  19. The Winnipeg Warrior


    This Monday, March 20th. Wooooo Hooooo!
  20. The Winnipeg Warrior

    New Venom

    F*CK YEAH! March 20th.....this Monday!