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  1. S


    Love The new album. 🤘
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    Selling some of my CoB collection

    You have a list of What you have ?
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    Bands similar to CoB?

    Great protject. Just wish he would add guitar solos
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    Scythes Of reopened

    SOB was a amazing site. I was daily using The site and forum. Miss The good old trashed and lost in talin trip they arranged The day before Tuska open air. Zarok still have The back up of The site i Think. So i think its possible to bring it back. But i dont think they are interested of doing that.
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    Bands similar to CoB?

    New Griefsoul song: and an awesome cover of Roxette:
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    Alexi passed away

    Well it is kinda new, since it was recorded for SW with better sound, and they did some changes. They removed The female vocal part and added som guitar part instead of. I really would love to Get that song.
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    Alexi passed away

    there is one song, Talking of The Trees recorded when they recorded Something Wild. Anssi have this song.
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    Bands similar to CoB?

    Check out this awesome song. Its a one man project. There is also 2 songs more on The way soon!
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    Unrelated music thread - Cardiacs

    Heia Norge
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    Alexi's gear/rigs are up for auction

    Teemu hasent wrote much music. Some imperanon stuff, not much, and an album with a chick on vocals, that wasnt any good.
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    The Next Chapter: Bodom After Midnight

    sems a bit silly to be like "wiep, a guy/girl told me on a forum that he was drunk, then it have to be true"
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    The Next Chapter: Bodom After Midnight

    This has nothing to do with denial. Im not saying he was or wasnt. He had drinking problems for years. It dident start now. He died because of liver damage from many years drinking. But if you look at history, he was wery serious about recordings, work ethic and being a perfectionist. So it sems...
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    The Next Chapter: Bodom After Midnight

    well, that is still no evidence or proof, so yes its speculation. But you can belive what you want. :)
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    The Next Chapter: Bodom After Midnight

    Best thing is not to speculate and create rumors, without facts and proof.
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    The Next Chapter: Bodom After Midnight

    dosent sound like Alexi was drunk in The music video or after The music video acording to Daniel.
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    The Next Chapter: Bodom After Midnight

    speculations and just creating rumors.
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    The Next Chapter: Bodom After Midnight

    they Where there you say? Jaska, Janne or Hennka was at The video shoot?
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    The Next Chapter: Bodom After Midnight

    oki, Thanks.