Search results

  1. Personified Hatred


  2. Personified Hatred

    The last 5-10 albums you listened to

    Discharge - Hear Nothing See Nothing Say Nothing Malfeitor - Unio Mystica Maxima Whiplash - Sit Stand Kneel Prey Punkreas - Quello Che Sei Danzig - 4 Danzig - 5: Blackacidevil Danzig - Deth Red Sabaoth My Dying Bride - The Dreadful Hours
  3. Personified Hatred


  4. Personified Hatred

    what are ya listenin at?

  5. Personified Hatred

    The last 5-10 albums you listened to

    Satyricon - The Shadowthrone Pagan Winter - Inferos Burzum - Fallen Darkthrone - Soulside Journey The Clash - London Calling
  6. Personified Hatred


  7. Personified Hatred


  8. Personified Hatred

    The last 5-10 albums you listened to

    Malfeitor - Incubus Aborym - Psychogrotesque Dream Theater - A Change Of Seasons Danzig - Deth Red Sabaoth Nirvana - In Utero
  9. Personified Hatred


  10. Personified Hatred


  11. Personified Hatred

    The last 5-10 albums you listened to

    Dream Theater - Images And Words Dream Theater - A Change Of Seasons White Skull - Public Glory, Secret Agony Korn - Life Is Peachy Guns n' Roses - The Spaghetti Incident Luna Ad Noctum - Dimness' Profound The Cure - Disintegration
  12. Personified Hatred


  13. Personified Hatred


  14. Personified Hatred

    Post your hauls here

    Danzig - 5: Blackacidevil (CD) Luna Ad Noctum - Dimness' Profound (CD)
  15. Personified Hatred
