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  1. Conti

    Bodom Inspired Metal with an Alexi Tribute.

    Hey, I really appreciate you checking this out! Yes, I was definitely going for a modern and fresh sound while writing these tunes. Glad to hear it sounds unique. Believe it or not there are tons of little bits I felt were heavily inspired by a certain Bodom riff. Definitely a lot of tech death...
  2. Conti

    Bodom Inspired Metal with an Alexi Tribute.

    Hey guys. Long timer here to share some new music my band is releasing today (actually a split.) While we aren't a Bodom clone I definitely let myself lean on those influences a lot more than I had in the past. I think some of you guys would really enjoy it. I re wrote one of my solo sections...
  3. Conti

    Alexi passed away

    Yeah, really strange. The official COB account also kicked into overdrive after his death.
  4. Conti

    Children Of Bodom - Guitar Clinics, Playthroughs, Lessons, etc.

    Just a bunch of Whammy bombs moved around different harmonics. What Ola is doing in the first part of this video.
  5. Conti

    Alexi's gear/rigs are up for auction

    Yeah I guess there are instances of him being crazy sloppy even back then. His playing sometimes sounds really unnatural. I wonder if he didn't really take to guitar that naturally and had to put in an insane amount of practice to get to where he did. Once more recognition started coming maybe...
  6. Conti

    Alexi's gear/rigs are up for auction

    Thanks! I'll be posting here with our new release because I think a lot of people here would really appreciate it.
  7. Conti

    Alexi's gear/rigs are up for auction

    Yeah it's really weird to look back at those videos cause I feel the same exact way! Anyways, don't get me twisted i'm not saying I have anything on Alexi's playing ability at his best but in a lot of those later years I don't feel like i'd have trouble taking him. But you asked so heres by...
  8. Conti

    Alexi's gear/rigs are up for auction

    If Alexi had stayed at the top of his game for much longer he would be way more influential. In those 1998 videos his playing is unmatched. He already started slipping by 2001 and after 2004-05 he was no longer anything special really. I don't know how he fell so far skill wise but for a lot of...
  9. Conti

    The Next Chapter: Bodom After Midnight

    I wouldn't really call it complex, more like random and unfocused. The biggest problem is the main riff just does not do it.
  10. Conti

    The Next Chapter: Bodom After Midnight

    Wow Payback is terrible, maybe the worst song from Alexi I have ever heard. I guess it makes me feel better in way...
  11. Conti

    Alexi passed away

    I still can't believe it. Alexi was and will always be "The Man" to me. Nothing will ever hit like that idol you had when you were 15. It's great seeing a lot of you guys. It's been a long time. RIP Alexi!
  12. Conti

    The OFFICIAL "ŵG I'M SO FUCKING LOST!" - The Bringer Thread!!

  13. Conti

    COBOT is dead

    Those were some good times man, the best of times!
  14. Conti

    Listen to Conti's Band's Demo!

    Hahah thanks I guess, and yeah I guess I posted our old demo a waays back but this is our newest "release"
  15. Conti

    Guitar Player's Thread

    Put that sucker right up against the mesh A good guitar tone might sound a bit harsh on its own but great with the other instruments especially bass.
  16. Conti

    Listen to Conti's Band's Demo!

    Thanks man, I know most of those posts are lame but I figured I'd see if any of you guys could give it a listen. Whats wrong with the album art haha?
  17. Conti

    Listen to Conti's Band's Demo!

    What do you mean?
  18. Conti

    Listen to Conti's Band's Demo!

    Hey guys not sure how many of you that I know still troll around these forums but I thought I'd post this here for you guys to check out. Let me know what you think!
  19. Conti

    new re-release of lee jackson gp1000

    Seeing as you need a cab and a power amp to run the
  20. Conti

    Live Videos Thread

    Thats 98...Was Alexi ever good at guitar?