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  1. C_F_H_13

    Vocal sounds...distant?

  2. C_F_H_13

    Summing to Mono = Horrible guitars

    This is also something to consider
  3. C_F_H_13

    Vocal sounds...distant?

    Reflections can definitely cause a lot of issues with vocals, and glass is basically one of the worst ones for it. Having said that, the "in and out" thing is probably a combination of performance and not enough compression. I would scrap your whole chain, grab and 1176 style compressor...
  4. C_F_H_13

    Summing to Mono = Horrible guitars

    I can tell you there's nothing special going on in some of those records except for mono instances of the same part in the mid channel, or really careful tones choices that stack well. Some of it is also because the guitars are rarely panned all the way wide on a lot of those records. I...
  5. C_F_H_13

    Summing to Mono = Horrible guitars

    Just to add my two cents in, I think partly it's not something you should be overly concerned about. I think I big thing with mono'ing is that there's enough midrange information. Your stereo info should dip in volume, that's the point, but having a rich midrange will make them still sound...
  6. C_F_H_13


    Yeah I don't know what's happened in the last year or so, but I've basically stopped highpassing overheads unless they have weird super low sub shit in them. It is interesting too that I don't find the need to scoop all that 500hz and below shit anymore, and I'm fine with it. Yeah I still ove...
  7. C_F_H_13

    New monitors adam/genelec/cla etc. suggestions needed.

    I always ask how big the space is too. Average bedroom size you can get away with anything, but the bigger the space is the more you're going to need something with a little more juice. I have a pair of shitty JBLs that I do a ton of work on because I'm in a tiny room, and then a studio I...
  8. C_F_H_13

    Micing Real Amps: What Do You Listen For?

    I know exactly what you're talking about, no idea how to get it though lol. I have done a lot more amp blending (well mic blending) with plugins like inphase from waves and auto-align. I think it's pretty eye opening how much you can do with some mics when they are laser in phase with each...
  9. C_F_H_13

    where are they now???

    Had a pretty crazy career since the old school Sneap Days. Worked in LA for 5 years. Did 5 years in Vancouver, now on year 8 (???) in Kelowna which is like the Napa Valley of Canada. Still producing and engineering, but I've slowed down a bit since having a family and trying to live my...
  10. C_F_H_13

    Nail the mix

    For me it's a pretty mixed bag. Pros: - I enjoy hearing the productions before mixing and seeing how other producers material stacks up before mix. - I do thing there is value in seeing how people work. Jeff Dunne in particular , Chris Donaldson, and Will Putney were all really cool. - I think...
  11. C_F_H_13

    Micing Real Amps: What Do You Listen For?

    1 - I've always preferred a boost of some kind. I find 808/Screamers tend to control the lows more, and generally seem to make the guitar sound a little less lumpy. 2 - I've always been a fan of SM57/MD421 combo. I don't even like the way 421's sound, but when combined with a 57, they seem to...
  12. C_F_H_13

    Micing Real Amps: What Do You Listen For?

    Hello Audio Friends, With all the advent of a lot of tech over the last 20 years or so, less and less people seem to be recording real amps anymore. However, I've seen a recent influx of bands wanting to get back to basics and actually record real cabs again, so I thought it would be fun to...
  13. C_F_H_13

    yoooooooooo wake up

    Oh hey there friends
  14. C_F_H_13

    Plugs For Sale: VBC/VCC/VTM/TRIGGER/UBK-1

    New Bump just cause. Unloaded trigger, but still have VCC/VTM/VBC available to anyone who wants them and UBK-1. Will to go quite low on the price just to offload them.
  15. C_F_H_13

    Plugs For Sale: VBC/VCC/VTM/TRIGGER/UBK-1

    Shameless Bump.
  16. C_F_H_13

    Plugs For Sale: VBC/VCC/VTM/TRIGGER/UBK-1

    With the new rental service from Slate now available I've decided to jump in, so I won't be needing my permanent licenses anymore. I also have UBK-1 which I just don't use and it feels like a waste to have it on my key. Plugs Available: Virtual Buss Compressor Virtual Console Collection...
  17. C_F_H_13

    Boz Digital Mixing Contest

    ahhhh no. not sample rate issue. listened to the overheads in solo. you'll hear the audio is audibly glitching quite frequently.
  18. C_F_H_13

    Let's talk preproduction!

    If I'm actually recording/mixing/producing a whole record I'll do pre pro for sure. It is usually a giant disaster before that point anyways. The usual things happen, like wrong notes being played, parts not lining up, and my personal favorite.... 8 note triplets being played over a 16th...
  19. C_F_H_13

    Boz Digital Mixing Contest

    actually sounds to me like the whole track has been shifted tempo wise to be slower...hence the odd sounding drum tracks especially.
  20. C_F_H_13

    Boz Digital Mixing Contest

    Nice Gonna do an entry, but jesus this source material is a mess.